Touched by cricketer Shikhar Dhawan's emotional birthday post for his son Zoravar, Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar expressed his empathy. Akshay shared the poignant photo on Instagram and encouraged Shikhar, acknowledging the pain of being separated from one's child. As a father himself, Akshay conveyed heartfelt support, urging Shikhar to maintain courage. In the post, Shikhar Dhawan had revealed the challenge of not meeting his son for a year due to personal circumstances, accompanied by a heartfelt video call screenshot. Akshay Kumar's compassionate response resonated with the feelings of many parents. Housefull 5: Akshay Kumar–Sajid Nadiadwala’s Upcoming Film To Go on Floors From January 15, 2024 – Reports.

Akshay Kumar's Instagram Story For Shikhar Dhawan

Akshay Kumar Instagram Story

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