The Kapoor family is all set to celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of the legendary Raj Kapoor on December 14. The members of the Kapoor family, including Kareena Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Karisma Kapoor and Reema Jain, among others, met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi and invited him to join the grand celebrations. Now, a video from their meeting featuring a light-hearted moment between PM Modi and the actors. In the clip, the honourable PM could be seen telling Sai Ali Khan, "Mai aapke pitaj (Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi) ko mila hoon. Mai sochra that aaj mujhe aaj teen peedi ko milne ka mauka milega, lekin aap laye nahin teesri peedhi ko." (I have met your father and I thought maybe I could meet your family's third generation today, but you didn't bring your kids (Taimur Ali Khan, Jehangir Ali Khan). Responding to this, Kareena Kapoor replied, "We wanted to bring them". In a heartfelt gesture, PM Modi signed an autograph for Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan's kids Taimur and Jeh. Also, check Riddhima Kapoor Sahni's interaction with PM Modi below.  Kareena Kapoor Khan Thanks PM Narendra Modi for Supporting Raj Kapoor’s Birth Centenary Celebrations, Says, ‘Your Support in Celebrating This Milestone Meant the World to Us’ (View Pics).

PM Narendra Modi Shares Light-Hearted Moment With Kareena Kapoor-Saif Ali Khan


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PM Narendra Modi’s Sweet Gift for Taimur and Jeh

(Photo Credits: @kareenakapoorkhan/ Instagram)

Riddhima Kapoor Expresses Gratitude on Meeting PM Narendra Modi

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