Anupam Kher has joined the cast of Ravi Teja's pan-India film Tiger Nageswara Rao. He will be seen playing a pivotal role on Vamsee's period film. The film also stars Gayatri Bhardwaj and Nupur Sanon. The movie is the biopic of Tiger Nageswara Rao, a notorious and courageous thief (Ravi Teja) of Stuartpuram in the 1970s. Tiger Nageswara Rao filming is now in progress. Tiger Nageswara Rao: Makers of Ravi Teja’s Period Film Rope In Gayatri Bhardwaj After Nupur Sanon.
Check Out The Tweet Below:
ANUPAM KHER ON BOARD FOR RAVI TEJA'S PAN-INDIA FILM... #AnupamKher will essay a pivotal role in #RaviTeja's first PAN-#India film #TigerNageswaraRao... Costars #NupurSanon and #GayatriBhardwaj... Directed by #Vamsee... Filming in progress.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 2, 2022
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