Nissan India has dropped another teaser video of its upcoming Nissan Magnite ahead of the launch on October 7, 2024. This video shows that the new model will be made in India and feature a larger grille design and LED taillights. Previously, the company shared that the upcoming Nissan Magnite Facelift's 6-spoke dual-tone alloy wheels. The car is expected to come with a few upgrades to the exterior, features and cabin. The lower-spec vehicle may retain the same 1.0-litre turbo-charged or NA petrol engine mated with five-speed MT or AMT. The Japanese carmaker would also offer the same 7-inch digital driver display and continue offering ABS with EBD, ESC, ISOFIX, rear parking sensors and a 360-degree camera. More details about interior upgrades in the Nissan Magnite Facelift are expected to be revealed soon. Mahindra Thar ROXX 4x4 Price Revealed, Starts at INR 18.79 Lakh, Bookings Begin on October 3; Check Prices of All Variants and Colours.
Watch Nissan Magnite Facelift Teaser Video Ahead of Launch on October 4
One Car. One World. An SUV made in India, ready to dominate roads in 65+ countries. Styled for the world and you. Coming soon.
Click the link below to stay tuned. #NissanIndia #Outdo #ComingSoon #MadeInIndia #SUV #Car
— Nissan India (@Nissan_India) September 25, 2024
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