Late Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor's daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni marked her father's birth anniversary on Sunday by sharing a heartfelt social media post in his remembrance. Riddhima took to her Instagram handle and posted a picture of her late father inside a photo frame. In its reflection, Riddhima and her brother Ranbir Kapoor were partially visible. It was captioned, "In your reflection, we live and love... Happy Birthday Papa." Neetu Kapoor and Riddhima Kapoor Sahni Remember Rishi Kapoor on His Birth Anniversary with Heartfelt Posts on Instagram (View Pics).

She also shared another picture of her late father on her Insta story. The text accompanying it read, "We miss you so much, especially today but 'with a cheer, not a tear, in Our eye' (white heart emoticon) Love you Papa". Veteran Bollywood actor Neetu Kapoor, who is the mother of Riddhima and Ranbir, had earlier commemorated Rishi Kapoor's birth anniversary by sharing a goofy throwback picture on her social media account. Taapsee Pannu Talks About Working With Rishi Kapoor and How He Called Her a ‘Veteran Actor’.

Check Out Riddhima Kapoor Sahni's Instagram Post Below:

Often branded as Bollywood's first chocolate boy, Rishi touched heights of stardom in the film industry with iconic roles in blockbuster hits like 'Bobby', 'Chandni', 'Karz', and many others. He and Neetu got married on January 22, 1980 and have starred together in films like 'Zinda Dil', 'Khel Khel Mein', 'Amar Akbar and Anthony', 'Do Dooni Chaar', among several others. Rishi passed away on April 30, 2020, leaving a void in people's hearts. Prior to his demise, he was in New York for his treatment with his wife.

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