Who Was Aanvi Kamdar aka The Glocal Journal? All You Need To Know About Travel Influencer Who Died After Falling Into a 300-Foot Gorge at Kumbhe Waterfall in Maharashtra's Raigad District

Aanvi Kamdar was a travel influencer who regularly travelled to different destinations. She often posted fun reels, clips and videos from these destinations on her social media platforms. However, Aanvi died after falling into a 300-foot gorge while shooting an Instagram reel. Here’s all you need to know about her.

Aanvi Kamdar (Photo Credits: Instagram)

The internet is filled with questions about Aanvi Kamdar. Who was Aanvi Kamdar aka The Glocal Journal? Why is the internet filled with questions about Aanvi Kamdar and why should you know her story? Aanvi Kamdar was a chartered accountant and travel influencer who documented her travels on her social media handle. She documented her journeys through fun reels, clips, pictures and videos on social media. Tragically, Aanvi's died after she fell into a 300-foot gorge while filming an Instagram reel. The age of social media has influencers chasing online fame. It's easier than ever to gain a following, and influencers flood our feeds with content—travel, lifestyle, food, you name it. This constant need for clicks, likes, and views has led to a worrying trend where influencers are risking their lives for the perfect video. We have seen this before. Influencers, in their quest for unique or offbeat content, travel to dangerous locations or attempt risky stunts to stand out. This often ends tragically, with injuries or even death. Aanvi Kamdar's story is the latest example, a reminder of the dangers that lurk behind the perfection of social media. Aanvi Kamdar Dies: Travel Influencer Falls to Death at Kumbhe Waterfall in Maharashtra’s Raigad.

Who Was Aanvi Kamdar?

Aanvi Kamdar was a Chartered Accountant by profession. But Aanvi was not just a chartered accountant; she was also a passionate travel influencer. Through her Instagram handle, @theglocaljournal, Aanvi documented her tarvels. In her profile, she describes herself as a detective for travel finds, luxury experiences, cafes, itineraries, and the essence of a destination. Her social media was a true travel journal, filled with well-edited reels, captivating videos, and stunning pictures. It was clear that Aanvi loved exploring the world. However the internet is currently buzzing with, who was Aanvi Kamdar? According to reports, Aanvi was on a trip with friends to Kumbhe waterfall in Maharashtra's Raigad district. While filming an Instagram reel to show the monsoon season and lush greenery, she tragically slipped and fell into the 300-foot gorge. Her friends immediately alerted local authorities who launched a rescue operation. Even thoug they managed to get Aanvi from the gorge, the injuries sustained from the fall proved fatal. Authorities confirmed that she passed away at the hospital. Telangana: Three People Die After Drowning in Lake

Travel Influencer Aanvi Kamdar Dies While Filming Reel Near Kumbhe Waterfall

The recent increase in the number of influencer deaths due to dangerous stunts and outlandish behaviour for the sake of online attention needs immediate action. Strict regulations or a complete ban on risky behaviour is necessary. Prioritising safety is of utmost importance. People should not be allowed to endanger lives. Influencers should not gamble with their own wellbeing or put others at risk for fleeting internet fame.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 18, 2024 12:30 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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