A 12-year-old boy named Cesar suffered from cardiac arrest after he participated in the dangerous TikTok trend known as ‘Chroming Challenge.’ We often see various social media challenges and trends emerging from social media platforms, especially TikTok. While some challenges and trends are fun to try and not harmful, some are dangerous and may even result in deaths or health issues. Previously, we had even come across the one-chip challenge that resulted in the death of Harris Wolobah, a 14-year-old from Massachusetts. TikTok’s dangerous viral chroming challenge is also known as huffing or sniffing. The challenge resulted in 12-year-old Cesar suffering from a cardiac arrest after he was encouraged to try it by an older friend. That’s not all! Prior to this incident, the chroming challenge also resulted in the death of an 11-year-old boy named Tommie-Lee Gracie Billington from the UK. Here’s all you need to know about TikTok’s chroming challenge. UK Shocker: 11-Year-Old Boy Participates in Viral TikTok ‘Chroming’ Challenge at Home, Suffers Apparent Cardiac Arrest and Dies.

What Is TikTok’s Chroming Challenge?

TikTok’s Chroming Challenge, also known as huffing or sniffing, involves inhaling toxic chemicals that can be found in solvents, cleaning products, paint, aerosol cans, or petrol. Sniffing or huffing such chemicals can be hazardous and result in severe health issues or even death. According to reports, Cesar’s mother was breastfeeding her two-year-old baby when she heard a loud thud from the kitchen. On rushing to the spot, she found Cesar having a seizure on the floor. The child then went into cardiac arrest. He was given CPR and was immediately rushed to the hospital, where he was placed in medically induced coma. The mother then learnt that Cesar had inhaled an anti-perspirant deodorant as part of the chroming challenge. Luckily for Cesar, he made a full recovery, though he faces health issues at the moment.

In another not so fortunate incident, 11-year-old Tommie-Lee Gracie Billington died after he participated in TikTok’s chroming challenge. According to reports, it was suspected that Tommie died on the spot after he attempted the challenge and was found unresponsive at a friend’s house in Greenset Close in Lancaster, Lancashire, on March 2. Despite several efforts made by paramedics to revive the child, he unfortunately could not be saved. Currently, his death has been cited as ‘unexplained.’ What is One Chip Challenge That Caused Harris Wolobah's Death? Know All About The 14-Year-Old US Teen Who Died Of Cardiac Arrest After Taking Part In Viral TikTok Challenge!

However, a spokesperson for TikTok mentioned that there was no such viral challenge on TikTok known as chroming, huffing or sniffing. The abuse of inhalants could be seen as a short-term high that people tend to indulge in. It is important to note that sniffing or huffing inhalants could result in dizziness, cardiac arrest, slurred speech, hallucinations, disorientation, or even suffocation and should be avoided at all costs.

Chroming Is Not a New TikTok Challenge!

Tommie and Cesar’s cases are not the only instances where people have suffered from severe health issues or death due to taking part in dangerous social media challenges. It is very important to practice caution and raise awareness about the dangers of such challenges and trends.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 03, 2024 03:06 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).