Natalie Arroyo, a 33-year-old teacher, has been sentenced to jail for grooming a 15-year-old student by sending him explicit messages. Natalie was working as a supply teacher when she initiated contact with the student. The messages sent on Snapchat started off innocent, but soon she started becoming flirtatious, sending him highly inappropriate messages and introducing sexual elements. She even told him that she wanted to have sex with him and was willing to leave her husband for him. The teenager clearly refused to have sex with her. However, following this, she sent him a picture of her genitals, asked him to visit her at home while her husband was away at work, and sent a video in which she is performing a sex act. She sent him explicit photos and videos and made sexual comments. Later, Natalie sent him a text saying it was best to forget those messages. California Shocker: 46-Year-Old Female Teacher Sends Her Explicit Pictures to School Student, Has Sex With Him Under Guise of Tutoring; Arrested.

Natalie Arroyo was working as a supply teacher and progress coach at a school in the UK. She took advantage of the vulnerable teenager and began sending him inappropriate messages. According to reports, Natalie told the student, “I bet all the boys fancy me. I don't blame them—I have really big boobs.” She then sent the boy pictures of her breasts in her bra and asked the boy to send her a picture of his penis, which he sent. On another occasion, she told the boy that she would come pick him up so they could go back to her house and have sex. She even sent photos of her bottom half in just underwear with the message, “I touched myself while thinking about you.”

However, things did not end here. She persistently sent him inappropriate photos while he was out shopping with his mother and aunt, even though he asked her to stop sending them. She not only continued sending him messages of a sexual nature, she even sent him messages where she mentions she wanted to perform oral sex on him and texts like, “It’s so fun to tease you” and “do whatever he wanted to her.” Singapore Shocker: Teacher Groomed Student, Had Sex With Her Before She Turned 16; Sentenced to 14 Years in Jail.

The offences only came to light when the victim, who could no longer cope with the abuse, confided in an adult, resulting in Natalie’s arrest. During questioning, she initially denied having any contact with the boy but later admitted to sending him the messages, believing he was 16. Natalie pleaded guilty to two counts of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and engaging in sexual communication with a child.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 06, 2024 02:57 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website