Video of a Tamil Nadu traffic constable doing his duties amidst heavy rains have gone viral on social media platforms. He has garnered a lot of praises for his dedication towards work.Watch the Video Below:
तपती धूप, ठंड, बारिश हो या आंधी,
हर मौसम फ़र्ज़ निभाती #Khaakhi.
सोमवार को #TamilNadu के #Thoothukudi में तेज बारिश के बीच भी ड्यूटी पर अडिग रहकर कॉन्स्टेबल मुथुराजा ट्रैफिक संभाला एवं कर्तव्यपरायणता को अनोखी मिसाल कायम की.#IndiaSalutesYou.— Dipanshu Kabra (@ipskabra) November 16, 2020
A huge dinosaur made of balloons has set Guinness World Record in Turkey. The largest balloon sculpture of a dinosaur measures 7.86 m X 9.08 m X 19.64 m. The record was set by Balloon Crew and Guido Verhoef (Netherlands), Bahar Belisan (Turkey) and Willy Monroe (Spain) in Istanbul, Turkey. The Guinness World Record was established on October 22.Watch The Video Below:
"Buddy the Rat", a performance artist Jonothon Lyons has been filmed multiple riding the subway in New York City wearing a giant rat costume. Once again the rat was seen boarding the subway.Watch The Video Below:
Oh NYC is dead? Explain this— Alison Williams (@therealalisonw) November 14, 2020
Itziar Ituno aka Agent Raquel Murillo from the Netflix show Money Heist sang a few lines of the Bollywood son Chunari Chunari from the 1999 film 'Biwi No 1' during an interview and netizens are mighty impressed.Watch the Video Below:
Raquel (Lisbon) from money heist singing chunari chunari @BeingSalmanKhan @thesushmitasen woww 😍— Hud Hud Dabangg (@HudHuddDabangg) November 13, 2020
A father dressed up and posed as a mermaid to keep his daughter's birthday wish. Picture of the father-daughter duo is winning hearts online.Check it Here:
When your daughter asks you to be in her mermaid photo shoot on her 8th birthday, you don't say no! from r/MadeMeSmile
A Baby Yoda toy accompanied four astronauts who reached the International Space Station this week. Video of the SpaceX Crew-1 flight with the Baby Yoda plush toy has been shared online and going viral.Check The Video:
Baby Yoda is the Crew-1 astronauts' zero gravity indicator— Michael Sheetz (@thesheetztweetz) November 16, 2020
A husky dog refused to get out of bed and wanted to sleep close to him. Video of the two cuddling has been shared online and it is too cute!Check it Here:
Husky Refuses To Get Out Of Babies Bed Then Falls Asleep Cuddling Him!
❤️ Dogs— The Feel Good Page ❤️ (@akkitwts) November 18, 2020
A couple of pictures of spooky decorations for Christmas, likely from Halloween have been shared online. And the pictures are going viral.Check Here:
Beautiful— Mira “bath enjoyer” Bellwether (@TheeBellwether) November 15, 2020
As some netizens are discussing their first salaries in a Twitter trend, others have contributed with funny memes.Check Some Here:
First salary : 👇😁— Gaurav Paliwal (@Being_Gaurav02) November 17, 2020
20 years old people are sharing their First Salary and Source,
22 years old berojgar me -— Sherlock Holmes द्वितीय (@TheSarveshMisra) November 17, 2020
When I got my first Salary 🥺— Kanza Sohail (@KanzaSohail98) November 16, 2020
Wednesday Thoughts and Wednesday Motivation posts have started trending over Twitter this morning. Twitterati share positive messages and images to begin the day.Check Some Tweets:
Life is a mirror.....
It reflects back smile at it and it smile back to you..
But mirrors lie !!!
Don't show you what's inside..#WednesdayMotivation— Mansi_Adhikari (@Socialjane_22) November 18, 2020
Problems are like washing machines. They twist us, spin us, and knock us around, but in the end we always come out cleaner, brighter and better.#GoodMorningTwitterWorld#wednesdaythought#WednesdayMotivation— Priya Kharkwal (@KharkwalPriya) November 18, 2020
When you change the quality of your thinking,
you change the quality of your life.#WednesdayMotivation— Mahta (@M_Mahta1) November 17, 2020
It's a beautiful Wednesday morning and people have taken to social media platforms with inspirational quotes and motivational thoughts using the hashtags #WednesdayMotivation and #WednesdayThoughts. From funny memes, hilarious GIFs, latest tweets, Facebook posts and viral videos, we promise to keep you updated with everything happening on the internet. As the day progresses, we promise to keep you updated with everything happening on social media platforms. November 18 marks various festivals and events across countries. It also marks the birthdays of popular figures and celebrities around the world.
The day marks Nagula Chavithi during which women observe fast and worship snakes. They offer milk to snakes; the observance is celebrated in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. It also marks Occult Day, a mystical holiday to explore what is hidden. Occult Day is a special occasion where life beyond the natural world seeps into everyday life.
Meanwhile, as COVID-19 continues, it is important to maintain hygiene practices. Ensure you wash your hands and use sanitiser wherever needed. Being a responsible citizen, ensure you do not forward any unverified message or fake news during these tough times. Reach out to those in need and be a supporting figure to those who are living alone. Being physically distant often makes people emotionally weak and it is important to reach out to those in need. COVID-19 has completed one year on Earth and it is required to curb its spread by following precautions. We wish you a Happy Wednesday and a great year ahead.