While netizens couldn't stop praising Shah Rukh Khan and son Aryan Khan to have lent their voices to the characters Mufasa and Simba in The Lion King Hindi, Pakistani actor Shaan Shahid dared to take a jibe at Shah Rukh Khan. SRK fans are now on a trolling spree. Read: Shah Rukh Khan Fans Troll Pakistani Actor Shaan Shahid After He Criticises the Actor for The Lion King’s Hindi Dubbing.Check tweet:
Pls don’t destroy an iconic film with Hindi dub .. no difference in shahrukhs voice it is like any other V/O he does for his films . At least change your voice expression for a lions dub.— Shaan Shahid (@mshaanshahid) July 11, 2019
Salman Khan took to his Twitter account to share a video of his attempting the #BottleCapChallenge but there's a twist to it. The actor is known for his amusing antics and after a series of his recent tweets, the new one is equally hilarious and quite commendable. Read: Salman Khan Takes the #BottleCapChallenge and Nails it In his Own Unique Way - Watch Video.Check video:
Don’t thakao paani bachao pic.twitter.com/PjfdGxdTJg— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) July 14, 2019
WWE superstar Jeff Hardy reportedly got arrested on July 13, 2019, for drinking alcohol in public and create a nuisance. Twitter reacts on Charismatic Enigma's arrest. Read: WWE Superstar Jeff Hardy Arrested for Drinking Alcohol in Public, Twitter Reacts on ‘Drunk’ Charismatic Enigma’s Arrest.Check tweets:
Another oneSeeing Jeff Hardy trending only to learn that he got arrested again pic.twitter.com/R4pKgB4kgd— Kai-Fi (@MrKai_Fi) July 13, 2019
when I noticed that Jeff Hardy was trending for getting arrested for drinking again pic.twitter.com/g1dEbTUPXS— AJ 🐎 (@avengedstomp) July 13, 2019