SpaceX CEO Elon Musk To Send 10 lakh People to Mars by 2050? Twitter Abuzz: Trending Topics, Viral Videos and Funny Memes of the Day

Viral Team Latestly|

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk To Send 10 lakh People to Mars by 2050? Twitter Abuzz: Trending Topics, Viral Videos and Funny Memes of the Day

Viral Team Latestly|
20 Jan, 19:41 (IST)

In a series of tweets, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has revealed how he plans to send 10 lakh people to Mars by 2050.Check Tweet:

20 Jan, 18:13 (IST)

Amitabh Bachchan is all set to team-up with Sairat fame director Nagraj Manjule for a film titled Jhund and a first look of the film has now been dropped online. Read the entire story here.View Pic: 

20 Jan, 17:13 (IST)

Newfoundland in Canada was struck by a massive blizzard last night and pictures and videos are all over social media. A video has come up online which shows a pet dog struggling through a heap of snow accumulated outside their home.Watch the video here:

20 Jan, 18:13 (IST)

Amitabh Bachchan is all set to team-up with Sairat fame director Nagraj Manjule for a film titled Jhund and a first look of the film has now been dropped online. Read the entire story here.View Pic: 

20 Jan, 17:13 (IST)

Newfoundland in Canada was struck by a massive blizzard last night and pictures and videos are all over social media. A video has come up online which shows a pet dog struggling through a heap of snow accumulated outside their home.Watch the video here:

20 Jan, 16:19 (IST)

The trailer of Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan has released today and the reactions are out. Some people are already making funny memes and jokes on it.Check some tweets here:

20 Jan, 14:35 (IST)

A video of an elephant casually strolling at a hotel lobby in Sri Lanka has been shared online. The video is going viral and people are definitely amused. Watch the video here:

20 Jan, 13:59 (IST)

A dog has won the hearts of social media users after its owner posted a cute video with the animal. In the clip, a person is seen holding two pieces of bun and soon the dog comes forward and keeps it face on one of the buns. Then the person places the other bun on top of the dog’s head making an adorable "goodboye sandwich".Watch The Video Below:

20 Jan, 14:35 (IST)

A video of an elephant casually strolling at a hotel lobby in Sri Lanka has been shared online. The video is going viral and people are definitely amused. Watch the video here:

20 Jan, 13:59 (IST)

A dog has won the hearts of social media users after its owner posted a cute video with the animal. In the clip, a person is seen holding two pieces of bun and soon the dog comes forward and keeps it face on one of the buns. Then the person places the other bun on top of the dog’s head making an adorable "goodboye sandwich".Watch The Video Below:

20 Jan, 12:21 (IST)

A drone footage has captured a massive dust storm in Australia. Videos posted on social media platforms show dust storms descending on Dubbo and nearby towns blocking out the Sun.Watch The Video Below:

20 Jan, 10:29 (IST)

Sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik created a sand art on following traffic rules at Puri beach in Odisha. The artwork has captions that read, On drive, don't drink, use helmet, don't use mobile."Check out the tweet below:

20 Jan, 08:16 (IST)
20 Jan, 12:21 (IST)

A drone footage has captured a massive dust storm in Australia. Videos posted on social media platforms show dust storms descending on Dubbo and nearby towns blocking out the Sun.Watch The Video Below:

20 Jan, 10:29 (IST)

Sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik created a sand art on following traffic rules at Puri beach in Odisha. The artwork has captions that read, On drive, don't drink, use helmet, don't use mobile."Check out the tweet below:

20 Jan, 08:16 (IST)

On Monday morning people have taken to Twitter sharing  #mondaythoughts, #MondayMorning and #MondayMotivation. Twitterati is sharing inspirational videos, quotes and thoughts on social media platforms.Check Out The Tweets Below:

Start on a Positive Note!

The weekend is over, for now, and here you are, waking up to the Monday morning. We all are on the same page and all we are Friday to arrive, quicker! While that has to wait, we have social media to captivate us. While most of us are trying to beat the Monday blues, Twitterati has got some amazing thoughts and quotes to motivate and prepare you for the day. It is no surprise to see #MondayMotivation and #MondayThoughts running as top trends on the social media platform. And we will keep you delighted too. Watch out this space to know what netizens are sharing today, (January 20, 2020) as we will update this blog with trending topics, viral videos and funny memes of the day.

After the fun-filled and lazy weekend, you honestly need some motivation to boost your energy for the rest of the working hours. Aside from the cups of coffees and teas, you might have already had, the ever-known social media sites—Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit and others surely lightens the mood. And you also get to know everything that is happening across the world. Every hour, a new video and image emerge online showing the current situation of Australia. The bushfire crisis hits the country, and firefighters are working round the clock battling with the fires. And again, we have some adorable videos of babies, dogs and even adults that keeps out faith in humanity and positivity.

We will keep you updated with all the viral moments on social media. Keep a tab with this live blog and know what is captivating the internet users today. Enjoy your Monday!

On Monday morning people have taken to Twitter sharing  #mondaythoughts, #MondayMorning and #MondayMotivation. Twitterati is sharing inspirational videos, quotes and thoughts on social media platforms.Check Out The Tweets Below:

Start on a Positive Note!

The weekend is over, for now, and here you are, waking up to the Monday morning. We all are on the same page and all we are Friday to arrive, quicker! While that has to wait, we have social media to captivate us. While most of us are trying to beat the Monday blues, Twitterati has got some amazing thoughts and quotes to motivate and prepare you for the day. It is no surprise to see #MondayMotivation and #MondayThoughts running as top trends on the social media platform. And we will keep you delighted too. Watch out this space to know what netizens are sharing today, (January 20, 2020) as we will update this blog with trending topics, viral videos and funny memes of the day.

After the fun-filled and lazy weekend, you honestly need some motivation to boost your energy for the rest of the working hours. Aside from the cups of coffees and teas, you might have already had, the ever-known social media sites—Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit and others surely lightens the mood. And you also get to know everything that is happening across the world. Every hour, a new video and image emerge online showing the current situation of Australia. The bushfire crisis hits the country, and firefighters are working round the clock battling with the fires. And again, we have some adorable videos of babies, dogs and even adults that keeps out faith in humanity and positivity.

We will keep you updated with all the viral moments on social media. Keep a tab with this live blog and know what is captivating the internet users today. Enjoy your Monday!

Rahul Gandhi Accompanies Housewives to Vegetable Shopping in Delhi’s Giri Nagar, Says Govt Sleeping Like ‘Kumbhkaran’ Over Rising Prices (Video)

Rahul Gandhi Accompanies Housewives to Vegetable Shopping in Delhi’s Giri Nagar, Says Govt Sleeping Like ‘Kumbhkaran’ Over Rising Prices (Video)

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Cats vs Christmas Trees Funny Memes and Jokes: From Attack & Demolition of Xmas Tree to ‘Sudden Nap’ Under It, Hilarious Posts for the Fur-Tastic Festivities

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