Staying in quarantine has pushed people to their creative limits. Many places in the world have been under a lockdown for a month now or more, due to the spread of Coronavirus pandemic. And to pass their time at home, people are coming up with innovative ways of entertainment. We have seen several social media challenges emerging on different platforms especially TikTok. A beautiful challenge called 'I am Just a Kid' is going viral which has people recreating their old pictures. Watching through these videos will definitely leave you with positivity and a wide smile. TikTokers Are Channelling Their Creative Skills by Recreating Airline Travel Experience Sitting at Home (Watch Videos).
We all love going through old photos, don't we? It just takes us back in time, relive the good old days and remember our childhood incidences. During quarantine, as people are spending more time with their parents or families in general, the trend of recreating old pictures has come up and the outcome of the pictures will fill your hearts. Videos of these recreations are going viral not on TikTok alone but also on Facebook and Twitter. TikTok Users Are Predicting Future Using Netflix for the Viral 'Psychic TV Challenge'! Check Out Funny Results.
Check Some Beautiful Videos of 'I am Just a Kid' TikTok Challenge:
The Good Old Family Portraits
Recreating Videos
Watch on TikTok
How Cute!
Even the Dog Had Perfect Timing
So Pure
Watch on TikTok
A twitter user has compiled some of the best one, stressing on how memories play such an important role in one's life. These compiled videos have got over a million views too. Check them out here.
حين تستبد كآبة ثقيلة بالنفس التي صارت من المحن في ظلام، تأتي الذكريات فتنعش النفس وتحييها، مثلها كمثل تلك القطرات من الندى التي تضعها رطوبة المساء على الأزهار بعد نهار خانق، فتبعث الحياة في هذه الأوراق الحزينة التي كادت تمحوها الشمس المحرقة.
فيودور دوستويفسكي
— دهري Mohammad Naaso (@RamanSipan) April 17, 2020
Here's Another Set of Videos
Part 2
— دهري Mohammad Naaso (@RamanSipan) April 17, 2020
It is wonderful how accurately people have recreated their old photos, even it means going through a little pain and embarrassment. Do you also feel like doing the same? Then go try it, we are sure it will be fun to get in pose with your parents, siblings and click the same pictures. Relive the nostalgia as we wait for the quarantine phase to pass.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 18, 2020 09:15 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website