'The Movie Villain vs the Actual Villain' Funny Memes & Jokes That Will Make You ROFL If You Are a NERD for TV Shows & Movies

The most recent meme trend is called "The show villain & the actual villain" memes. So just as the name of this meme trend suggests all you have to do is compare the universally accepted villain of a popular show or movie vs the ones that are really to be blamed in the most sarcastic (or enlightening, you never know) way.

Viral Shaloo Tiwari|
'The Movie Villain vs the Actual Villain' Funny Memes & Jokes That Will Make You ROFL If You Are a NERD for TV Shows & Movies
“The Movie Villain vs the Actual Villain” Funny Memes & Jokes (Photo Credits: Twitter)

Ah! What a respite memes can be in stressful times. We all know the moments we have stalked some of the funniest meme trends. For all of you meme mongers, the most recent meme trend is called "The show villain & the actual villain" memes. Yes, and it is as simple as the name sounds, except it is extremely funny as well. So just as the name of this meme trend suggests all you have to do is compare the universally accepted villain of a popular show or movie vs the ones that are really to be blamed in the most sarcastic (or enlightening, you never know) way.

All you have to do is merge both the pictures together and label them with, "the show villain" and "the actual villain" respectively. However, you really need to have a knack for shows and series. For example, if you have watched Breaking Bad you will know that the villain, to be precise is Mr Walter White who goes out of his way to provide for his family. However, if you also remember that one fly scene that is said to be one of the most talked-about and is said to have a metaphorical reference, you can say that the main villain was the fly. LOL. Isn't it hilarious and also makes you think for a bit? Well, check out some of the best ones online.

BB on Point!


Say It Again!

Truth Bomb

LOL Can't Disagree


The trend may not seem funny to people who aren't a nerd for TV shows and movies. However, some of the memes under the trend also take a sarcastic dig at everything that's wrong with society. For example, the villain: plastic straws, the real villain: massive smoke emitting factories.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 13, 2020 09:12 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

Viral Shaloo Tiwari|
'The Movie Villain vs the Actual Villain' Funny Memes & Jokes That Will Make You ROFL If You Are a NERD for TV Shows & Movies
“The Movie Villain vs the Actual Villain” Funny Memes & Jokes (Photo Credits: Twitter)

Ah! What a respite memes can be in stressful times. We all know the moments we have stalked some of the funniest meme trends. For all of you meme mongers, the most recent meme trend is called "The show villain & the actual villain" memes. Yes, and it is as simple as the name sounds, except it is extremely funny as well. So just as the name of this meme trend suggests all you have to do is compare the universally accepted villain of a popular show or movie vs the ones that are really to be blamed in the most sarcastic (or enlightening, you never know) way.

All you have to do is merge both the pictures together and label them with, "the show villain" and "the actual villain" respectively. However, you really need to have a knack for shows and series. For example, if you have watched Breaking Bad you will know that the villain, to be precise is Mr Walter White who goes out of his way to provide for his family. However, if you also remember that one fly scene that is said to be one of the most talked-about and is said to have a metaphorical reference, you can say that the main villain was the fly. LOL. Isn't it hilarious and also makes you think for a bit? Well, check out some of the best ones online.

BB on Point!


Say It Again!

Truth Bomb

LOL Can't Disagree


The trend may not seem funny to people who aren't a nerd for TV shows and movies. However, some of the memes under the trend also take a sarcastic dig at everything that's wrong with society. For example, the villain: plastic straws, the real villain: massive smoke emitting factories.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 13, 2020 09:12 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

Holi 2025 Funny Memes and Viral Instagram Reels: Ahead of Rangwali Holi, Hilarious Meme Templates, ROFL Jokes and Images Take Over Internet
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Mercury Retrograde 2025 Funny Memes: Best Meme Templates, Hilarious Jokes, Viral Instagram Reels and Images That Perfectly Capture the Cosmic Chaos

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