In the 21st century, the internet has emerged as a home to countless memes that spark laughter, provoke thoughts and blur the lines between humour and existential questions. Having said that, if you’re an avid social media user, you must have seen the ‘Human Saw This’ meme popping up as many times you’re refreshing your feed. Well, this meme has gained traction from people worldwide owing to its unique approach. The meme showcases breathtaking images from nature accompanied by a simple message, “Humans saw this and invented…” and juxtaposed with something that is an invention of human society. In this article, we’ll learn the explanation and provide you with the details of the ‘Human Saw This’ meme.

‘Human Saw This’ Meme Explained

At the end of August and beginning of September, social media saw a trend where people engaged themselves in posting beautiful images and videos of landscapes such as oceans, fields and mountain ranges, with text overlay that read, “Humans saw this and invented…” The text ended with an exact opposite and negative comparison of human invention to the beauty of the nature. The following text of the ‘Human Saw This’ meme usually implies the mundane and wasteful invention of the humans, such as Excel, the SATs, or capitalism. The juxtaposition of the two typically provides a stark comparison that human invention can never match up to the creations of nature.

‘Human Saw This’ Meme Origin

The meme started both on TikTok and X around the end of August 2024. People used the phrase “Humans saw this and invented…” followed by a mundane human invention. During the initial days of the trend, almost all the posts utilised the audio clip Intro by the band Black Country, New Road. The meme spread like wildfire, with netizens posting their grips with modern-day society with beautiful scenery at the backdrop.

TikToker @travelyourtwenties is among the earliest users to post the iterations of the meme on August 25, 2024. They shared a video from Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah and wrote, “humans saw THIS and invented Excel????” Several other netizens followed the ‘Human Saw This’ Meme trend and flooded social media. Here are the best ones.

'Human Saw This' Meme

Questioning the Invention of ‘Stata’

Bitter Truth!

What a Comaprison!

The Truth!

Sad, but True!

Not just a viral trend, the ‘Humans Saw This’ meme reflects the awe and wonder of nature with the inventions of humans. It serves as a reminder that, given how much we are caught up in the world of technology and invention, we must not forget the beauty of nature. It highlights that human inventions are pretty small compared to nature’s inventions.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 06, 2024 03:46 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website