Hyderabad, March 16: In an embarrassing incident, a toll plaza employee in Telangana’s Sangareddy district was thrashed with a slipper by an unidentified man on Friday. The incident took place after an alleged argument broke out between the two about the toll charges and it was caught on the CCTV camera. Police have registered the complaint and probing the incident.
According to the incident, after an argument over the toll charges, the unidentified man got down from his vehicle and entered the toll office – situated in Sangareddy district of Telangana. With the argument between the two went out of control, the unidentified man started thrashing the toll plaza employee with a slipper profusely. When Is Bhogi Pandigai 2025? Know Bhogi Date, Sankranti Time, Significance and Rituals To Celebrate the First Day of Pongal Festival