A video of 10-year-old Abhinav Arora, fondly known as ‘Bal Sant Baba’, is doing rounds on social media after he was called out by Swami Ramanandacharya Ji Maharaj. The 74-year-old Indian spiritual leader and educator is seen getting angry at Abhinav as the two share the stage along with his followers. Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Ji was seen instructing one of his disciples to remove Abhinav Arora from the stage after the self-claimed “India's Youngest Spiritual Orator” and a popular social media influencer started exhibiting unpleasant behaviour. He is heard saying,  "niche kaho jane ke liye" (ask him to leave the stage). At the end of the video, Swami Ramanandacharya Ji Maharaj also says, "maryada hai meri" (it's my dignity, there's decorum). Abhinav Arora Viral Video: 'India's Youngest Spiritual Orator' Once Featured in 'Falooda Express' Ice Cream Ad, Old Clips Surface After YouTuber Ankit aka Only Desi Talks About the Kid on His Channel.

Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Swami Rambhadracharya (born Pandit Giridhar Mishra), who has been blind since the age of two months, is one of the four incumbent Jagadguru Ramanandacharya. Meanwhile, Abhinav Arora’s quick rise to internet fame courtesy of his “spiritual journey” has generated mixed reactions among netizens. While a section admires this pre-teen “saint,” many have raised questions to his parents for not letting the boy lead a “normal childhood,” in greed of online fame. This latest viral video of Swami Ramanandacharya Ji scolding Abhinav Arora has brought this conversation to the spotlight again. Here's how the internet is reacting to the video:

Swami Rambhadracharya Ji Angry at Abhinav Arora in Viral Video

Swami Rambhadracharya Ji Not Happy With Abhinav Arora's Behaviour


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Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Ji Asks Abhinav Arora To Be Removed From Stage

Swami Ramanandacharya Ji and Abhinav Arora's Interaction Causes Buzz Online

Abhinav shot to fame after a video of him crying bitterly at the time of Ganesh Visarjan went viral. Netizens were in complete awe of the young boy's "heartfelt" and "raw emotion" towards Lord Ganesha's idol.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 24, 2024 04:17 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).