Sigmund Freud is an important name in the field of Psychology with the Austrian neurologist considered the founding father of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is the treatment of the mental condition in a patient through dialogues. Having graduated with a medical degree in 1881, Freud worked as a doctor at the Vienna General Hospital. In addition to Sigmund Freud being a great intellectual, he is also a survivor of Jewish holocaust by the German Army. With so much wisdom and experience in his lifetime, it is natural his writings have been adored for generations. On this great neurologists’ birth anniversary, we look at some of his famous quotes.
During one of his visits to Paris in 1885, Sigmund Freud came across the Hypnosis technique to treat hysteria used by French neurologist Jean Charcot. He tried the technique on his return to Vienna but found it as a short-term measure. He then collaborated with Josef Breuer to come up with their own method of treating hysteria. It involved helping the patient recall past experiences which may have been traumatic and thus confronting it.
Some of Sigmund Freud’s greatest works include The Interpretation of Dreams, The Psychopathy of Everyday Life and Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality. He presented the concept of unconsciousness, stating there are several thoughts that remain elusive of the consciousness but reappear from time to time. He also researched extensively on dreams, sexuality, personality development and religion. Majority of his work received tepid response early on, but with time the world realised the genius of Sigmund Freud. On that note, here is a look at most memorable quotes by Sigmund Freud on life, love and more.
Sigmund Freud Quote Reads: We Are Never So Defensless Against Suffering As When We Love.
Sigmund Freud Quote Reads: The Voice of the Intellect Is a Soft One, but It Does Not Rest Until It Has Gained a Hearing.
Sigmund Freud Quote Reads: Men Are More Moral Than They Think and Far More Immoral Than They Can Imagine.
Sigmund Freud Quote Reads: Where Id Was, There Ego Shall Be.
Sigmund Freud Quote Reads: The Goal of All Life Is Death.
Sigmund Freud Quote Reads: Love and Work Are the Cornerstones of Our Humanness.
Sigmund Freud Quote Reads: From Error to Error One Discovers the Entire Truth.
Sigmund Freud Quote Reads: Being Entirely Honest With Oneself Is a Good Exercise.
Sigmund Freud Quote Reads: One Day, in Retrospect, the Years of Struggle Will Strike You As the Most Beautiful.
Sigmund Freud Quote Reads: The Ego Is Not Master in Its Own House.
Sigmund Freud Quote Reads: Dreams Are Often Most Profound When They Seem the Most Crazy.
Sigmund Freud Quote Reads: Love and Work… Work and Love, That’s All There Is.
Sigmund Freud Quote Reads: If Youth Knew; if Age Could.
There are few individuals who leave an impact in a particular field as Sigmund Freud managed in neurology. He lived by his principles despite lacking support. His accomplishments have made sure he remains immortal.
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