Madhya Pradesh, July 6: In a shocking video from the state, an employee at a petrol pump in Hoshangabad is being thrashed by whip for not coming to work. According to the ANI footage, the victim is tied to a pillar and is seen being whipped by two men, which includes the owner of the pump and his friend. The man says that " I met with an accident so didn't go to work for 5-6 days", however, the accused doesn't pay any heed to whatever he says and continues to abuse him with filthy curses and hit him.
When the guy told him that he did hurt his leg in the accident and therefore he couldn't come. The accused got more agitated and started hitting him on the leg with the whip saying, "So what you hurt your leg?"
Watch video. (Viewer's discretion advised. Contains abusive content)
#WATCH: An employee at a petrol pump in Madhya Pradesh's Hoshangabad being thrashed with whip for not coming to work. Both accused arrested. Victim says, 'I met with an accident so didn't go to work for 5-6 days. Owner&his friend called me at pump&beat me'.(NOTE: Strong Language)
— ANI (@ANI) July 6, 2018
Both the accused have been arrested. Reportedly, since the employee was absent for a few days, the owner gave him a call and asked him to come to the pump. When the poor guy arrived, the accused started attacking him.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 06, 2018 08:48 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website