A mosque in Malaysia's Borneo Island has banned tourists to visit after a provocative dance video of two girls went viral online. Two girls in skimpy clothing were dancing in front of the Kota Kinabalu City Mosque. The video was shared on Facebook and it did not take long for it to go viral. Following the reactions, the mosque has decided to ban tourists altogether. Meanwhile, authorities are on the lookout to find the pair, who have been described as foreigners of East Asian appearance.
The official from state tourism industry commented that the video shows "lack of respect to the Muslim worshippers and also of the hospitality extended" to the tourists. The mosque's chairman told on Sunday that no public transport would be allowed to bring tourists in the compound of the mosque. There will also be discussions with tourist operators and agencies regarding prevention of such incidents. The main mosque in Kota Kinabalu is a popular tourist destination known for its huge blue and gold dome and ornate minarets.
Check out the Sexy dance video at Kota Kinabalu City Mosque:
There is a dress code to visit mosques in most places. In Malaysia too, visitors to mosques are asked to dress modestly but these two girls not only violated the dress code but did a sexy jig on the wall with the mosque at the back. Their nationality is also not clearly known. State Tourism Minister Christina Liew told The Star newspaper that the girls will not be punished, as they were probably unaware of their actions and the severity it would cause. While the authorities from the mosque want to track them down. They wanted to explain to the tourists "something deemed as 'fun' for them was very disrespectful and not right."
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 26, 2018 12:54 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).