With Lok Sabha election almost coming to an end, its time to look at some of the viral stories surrounding the elections that made it big on the headlines. One of them is of Reena Dwivedi, whom you'll better remember as the 'EVM-carrying election officer in a yellow sari from Deoria.' Reena Dwivedi, the PWD officer became an Internet sensation in no time after her photograph in a beautiful yellow sari went viral on social media. And we are not talking a one-day viral, she was even offered Bhojpuri movies and Mrs Dwivedi has already taken over social media like it is her second home now. While reports have it that she wants to take a while to enter into movies, she seems to have an interest in getting into the Bigg Boss house! As per reports received by IANS, she wants to add an element of permanence to her newly-found celebrity status and Reena has said that she would love to participate in the next season of the reality show-Bigg Boss' if she gets an invitation. Internet Sensations Deepika Ghose, Reena Dwivedi Prove Honey Shots and Viral Pics Give Instant Fame, But at What Cost?

"My family is supportive and they are happy that I am getting some recognition. Bigg Boss would be a great opportunity if I get it," she said to IANS. In the past few years, we have seen many such people gaining fame in no time all thanks to social media. Some of the people whose life changed after going viral on social media are: the "Pakistani Chaiwala", "Olive top girl," Saima Hussain Mir who went viral after clicking a selfie with Shah Rukh Khan, Priya Prakash Varrier's viral wink from Oru Adar Love, Deepika Ghose or the Mystery RCB fangirl, Bhopal-based Yogeshwari Gohite who was also snapped carrying the EV. Now we have Reena Dwivedi who is enjoying the fame she's got.

Everything you want to know about Reena Dwivedi:

The photograph in a bright yellow sari was clicked by a colleague while she was on election duty and going to the polling station with electronic voting machines (EVMs). Known as the "woman in a yellow sari" she became a sensation on the social media and her life has not been the same ever since. Her son Adit, a student of Class 9, has made her respond to video calls of his friends so that they can know that his mother is the woman in a yellow sari'. Reena said that she loves dressing up and sees nothing wrong in being well turned out.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 18, 2019 01:56 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).