Gigantic jets seen over the Himalayas has raised a lot of curiosity. But why? Recently, NASA took to social media to share its captivating picture of the day. The picture of the day was a stunning image of gigantic jets over the Himalayan Mountains. The photograph of these gigantic jets shows the beauty of nature. We often come across amazing images and videos of natural phenomenon. Sometimes they go viral for their extraordinary or unusual nature. The gigantic jets seen over the Himalayan mountains are one such natural phenomenon. When you first see the picture, it almost looks like aliens are descending upon Earth. However, before letting your imagination run wild, NASA has provided a clear explanation for the picture. The rare gigantic jets spotted over the Himalayas are a type of lightning. Yes, you read that right! These gigantic jets are not ordinary lightning but the most powerful kind on the planet. Gigantic Jets Over Himalayan Mountains Viral Photo: NASA’s Recent Picture of the Day Showing a Unique Type of Lightning Amazes Viewers.

Unlike the usual lightning that strikes downward, this unique lightning shoots upward into the sky. The image shows four massive jets rising from a thunderstorm last week towards the Himalayan Mountains in China and Bhutan. These incredible jets can stretch 70 to 80 metres long and cover that distance in just a second. That’s incredible, right? Let's delve deeper into this fascinating natural phenomenon.

What are Gigantic Jets?

NASA's captivating image shows rare gigantic jets shooting upwards into the sky. This image, shared as NASA's picture of the day last week, shows four long jets captured within minutes of each other. According to NASA, these gigantic jets, only recorded in the 21st century, connect thunderstorms and Earth's ionosphere—a layer of the atmosphere ionised by solar and cosmic radiation. Unlike usual lightning that travels between clouds and the ground, gigantic jets shoot powerful bursts of electrical charge into the lower ionosphere, reaching heights where Earth's atmosphere meets space. The appearance of the appearance of the gigantic jets over the Himalayan mountains resembles that of blue jets at the base and red sprites at the top. The formation and what triggers the jets are still being studied. However, NASA stated that what is understood is their role in balancing the electrical charge between different layers of the atmosphere. Space Potato Viral Photo: NASA’s Recent Picture of Phobos, the Larger of Mars’ Two Moons Captures the Attention of Space Enthusiasts.

Gigantic Himalayan Jets Captured on Camera

Himalayan jets are important not only for their spectacular visual display but also for their immense potential to have an impact on space-based technologies. Most observations of these gigantic jets happen by chance. Sometimes, an airline passenger may see it, and a photographer may happen to capture it. Studying the Himalayan jets can elevate our understanding of fundamental physics and space weather dynamics.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 27, 2024 12:02 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website