Fans just can't stop gushing over the newest married couple in the tinsel town, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas. The lovebirds who reportedly exchanged their wedding vows on December 1 and 2, have been sharing the glimpses from their ceremony at Jodhpur. And seeing their pics, one can say that Nickyanaka is sure a match made in heaven. Actress Priyanka Chopra shared their mehendi and sangeet pictures on social media with heartfelt messages about the two families, cultures and faiths coming together. And we cannot wait for to see the couple in their wedding outfits. Meanwhile, it appears that netizens cannot get enough of the auntie appeared shocked at something in one of the mehendi photos shared by the couple. Priyanka Chopra – Nick Jonas Wedding: Groom’s Personal Chefs Were Asked to Bake an 18 Feet Cake for the Couple.
Did social media users make a meme out of her? Naturally yes! Priyanka’s relative is now getting famous as the "shocked aunty" and has stolen the thunder from Priyanka herself. Twitterati is using her to poke fun at everything “unconventional” they find about the couple. Starting from fangirl fatigue to the couple’s interracial romance to the age gap between them, the humoristic creatives are all over the social media platform. Nick Jonas Dancing on Priyanka Chopra's Bollywood Songs to Parineeti Chopra, Sophie Turner's Performances.
All fangirls after seeing Nickyanka's mehendi pics!
This auntie in the back was my EXACT reaction when I found out Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas were engaged
— Karen :) (@kay_cherr) December 1, 2018
That aunty in the background is everything i feel. #NickyankaKiShaadi #NickyankaWedding #nickyanka #NickPriyankaWedding #MEMES #PriyankaKiShaadi #priyanka
— thishappysun ☀ (@ritindia1) December 1, 2018
Here comes the socially unconventional scenes...
Meanwhile Indian aunties when they get to know Nick is younger than Priyanka !#NickyankaKiShaadi #NickyankaWedding
— Subham (@subhsays) December 1, 2018
Sorry PeeCee but Aunty stole the Thunder!
That expression on Priyanka’ face when she got to know that this Aunty got more attention than her pics on the social media.#PriyankaKiShaadi #NickPriyankaWedding
— Komal Maru (@cakomalmaru) December 2, 2018
PeeCee and Nick had been dating since January this year and the first time they met was at MET Gala in 2017. Now that the wedding is over, we are eagerly looking forward to the married couple sharing inside images of their wedding ceremony from Jodhpur’s Umaid Bhavan Palace. And the wait is killing us!
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 03, 2018 12:18 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website