Recently, a viral TikTok video made by a college teacher and student from Haripur, Pakistan grabbed headlines for "violating" social norms by their "inappropriate" video. However, it turns out that after a week of receiving all the flak for the video and being expelled from the college, the teacher and his student have contracted court marriage. The "improper" video of them was posted to TikTok that the duo alleges they didn't consent to post online. TikTok Girls Are Dancing Their Hearts Out to Voicemails They Received From Exes, Watch Viral Videos.
Rafqat Hussain, who is a 38-year-old English teacher at the Government Postgraduate College Haripur god married his student Zainab Ali, 24 at a local court after the chaos created by their TikTok video, according to The Express Tribune. Zainab was expelled from the college and is not being provided with the migration certificate so that she can join another college. Rafqat is said to have already been married with three children from his first wife. However, he shared a copy of his marriage certificate saying, "We were in a relationship. We were waiting for our families' consent to get married", as per media reports.
As for Zainab, she says that, "I'm an adult and mature enough to take decisions about my personal life". She further said, "The college administration did not consider my fundamental right. Me and my family are in mental distress as my studies are being affected due to the unnecessary controversy created by the college administration". Zainab also claims that it is 'absurd' that the clip was used to throw her out of college, as the clip was related to her private life and didn't violate the college's disciplinary code.
Rafqat Hussain also claims that the initial 20-second clip was not meant to be shared, but someone with "ill-intent- to the couple" hacked into Zainab's phone and posted it on TikTok. The couple were expelled by a college committee after the clip went viral.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 02, 2020 09:09 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website