It is Holi time and we have the cutest fan of the festival of colours, Ziva Dhoni. The three-year-old daughter of former Indian cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni and wife Sakshi Singh Rawat displayed her love for the Holi festival celebrated this year on March 2, 2018. Being the most sought-after celebrity kids in India, Ziva is a darling of the social media. And, when her photo from the Holi celebrations emerged, the internet could not simply contain the excitement. It showcased Dhoni’s little princess sitting in the garden area with a face full of colours, from pink to yellow. Ziva’s Holi picture instantly reminds us of her beautiful mother Sakshi Dhoni’s photograph taken from Holi 2016.

We have seen Ziva feature in most of her mother’s post on Instagram. But now the little one has her own account, zivasinghdhoni006 (it is unverified though Sakshi keeps tagging it along with MS Dhoni’s handle). It was on Ziva’s this account where we came across the Holi picture of cutie baby. Dressed in black pants, light-coloured floral pullover, Ziva is seen sitting comfortably outdoors with flower beds lined behind. Her face is smeared with all the bright colours as the girl gives out the most radiant smile, almost saying out the caption of the pic ‘Happy Holi’!

Wishing You All A Happy Holi - Ziva Dhoni

Happy Holi !!!

A post shared by ZIVA SINGH DHONI (@zivasinghdhoni006) on

Cuteness Overload - Many Moods of Ziva Dhoni

Happy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Day @zivasinghdhoni006 @mahi7781 !!

A post shared by Sakshi Singh Dhoni (@sakshisingh_r) on

Little Ziva With Daddy Dearest Dhoni

after 1st Annual Day at school !

A post shared by ZIVA SINGH DHONI (@zivasinghdhoni006) on


If you’re wondering about Ziva being so photogenic, you can be rest assured it’s in her genes. Take a good look at her gorgeous mother (yes, MS Dhoni is also quite natural in front of the camera, but Sakshi is hands-down the winner). Sakshi Singh Rawat who married MS Dhoni in 2010 is effortlessly stylish and chic. Her Instagram is a solid proof of that. She is no actress or model but the way Sakshi carries herself is splendid. Take, for instance, the Holi picture of Sakshi taken two years ago – the lady looks super-hot yet classy. No wonder Ziva has the perfect heart-melting smile on the camera, every single time.

Sakshi Singh Dhoni and Her Perfect Holi Pic

Liberated !

A post shared by Sakshi Singh Dhoni (@sakshisingh_r) on

Coming to Ziva’s daddy dearest, MS Dhoni, the man has returned from a successful South Africa tour. Mahi who plays only the limited overs format made significant contributions to help India emerge victorious in one-day international and Twenty20. India won six-match ODI series 5-1 and T20I series 2-1 respectively. Dhoni has been currently rested from the upcoming tri-series, 2018 Nidahas Trophy in Sri Lanka and also featuring Bangladesh as the third team. We’ll get to see MSD in action during Indian Premier League 2018 when he returns to lead Chennai Super Kings unit.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 02, 2018 05:26 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website