Recently a video went viral on social media of the Fukrey boys, Pulkit Samrat and Varun Sharma arguing with each other in a train compartment. The two have been known to be great friends along with the third fukra, Manjot Singh. In the video, Pulkit loses his cool on Varun. Well, it left everyone in wonderment as the two share a great bond both on and off screen. We now know the real reason behind the brawl. The two were just acting. They were shooting for a brand-new commercial for Pepsi. The Fukrey trio have teamed up for Pepsi’s TV ad which recreates the bromance between them and shows that friends can go to any length for each other.
The new Pepsi ad displays that how Pulkit Samrat crosses various obstacles first to give his friend Varun samosas and then later finally gets on board with a bottle of Pepsi for his friend to enjoy the samosas. Because #KyunSookheSookhehi? You have to really watch the fun-filled video of the commercial to know exactly what we’re talking about.
Video of Pepsi India’s New Commercial
In an interview, Pulkit said, “We’re not just on-screen buddies, but great friends off-screen as well. Just like Choocha and Lali complete Hunny and make him who he is, a chilled bottle of Pepsi and a good meal are pieces of puzzle that fit together. You can’t have one without the other.” Agreeing with Pulkit’s statement, Varun said, “My best friend chased a train just so that I could eat my samosas with our one true love – Pepsi. Pepsi is a celebration of fun, food and friends and I loved having the chance to celebrate my ‘bromance’ with Pulkit and Manjot.”
“The campaign celebrates ‘friends, food and Pepsi’ in a unique way”, said Raj Rishi Singh, director marketing, Pepsi, PepsiCo India. The ad displays the simplicity of friendship and how our lives are incomplete without our friends. And we all are aware that good food is incomplete without the most popular cold drink Pepsi by our side. Do not forget to watch the ad so you don’t have a sookha day. Enjoy the commercial.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 11, 2018 06:54 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website