Thiruvananthapuram, Aug 19: Despite Kerala reeling under catastrophic floods, citizens from other parts of the nation have not refrained from sharing their bigoted views on the state's plight. The trolls on Twitter have cited calf slaughter and beef consumption as the reasons behind "God's wrath on his own country".

The angst against Kerala was not based merely upon beef forming a staple portion of the state's diet, but also communal in nature. A section of trolls said the nation should not be concerned for the state as "Churches and Islamic organisations abroad will take good care".

Some of the trolls, who are inclined to certain political ideologies, said Kerala was destined to face the punishment of God for "electing the godless communists".

Here are some of the tweets shared below:

The insensitive comments pour-in even as the death toll in the state has climbed to 370 and over 3 lakh people are displaced, currently lodged in over 3,000 refugee camps. According to the Kerala government, the losses incurred by the exchequer are estimated to the tune of Rs 19,500 crores.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 19, 2018 02:20 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website