Wedding bells are ringing in India’s wealthiest family of Ambanis with Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani being one happy father. His daughter Isha has found the love of her life in Anand Piramal, the son of Piramal Enterprise Chairman Ajay Piramal. On Sunday, the news of Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal’s engagement first emerged followed by which their families visited ISKCON and Siddhivinayak temples in Mumbai. One can check out the pictures and video of the newly engaged couple with Ambani and Piramal families seeking blessings of the almighty. Anand had proposed Isha at a temple in Mahabaleshwar over the weekend. There is going to be two big weddings in the family after Mukesh Ambani's son and Isha’s twin brother Akash proposed marriage to Shloka Mehta. Isha Ambani Engaged to Anand Piramal! Ajay Piramal's Son Proposes to Mukesh Ambani's Daughter, These Cute Couple Pics are Proof.

Looking lovely in traditional pink salwar-suit, Isha was everyone’s centre of attention as she walked in between her father, Mukesh and husband-to-be Anand at both ISKCON and Siddhivinayak. Anand, on the other hand, chose to dress casually, a reflection of a much believer of simplicity. Onlookers could not help noticing Isha’s mother Nita Ambani in Mumbai Indians jersey as she had joined the party straight from Mumbai Indians vs Kolkata Knight Riders match held at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. Here take a look at pictures and video of the to-be-wed couple, Isha and Anand.

Isha Ambani Anand Piramal with family (Photo Credits: Yogen Shah)
Isha Ambani Anand Piramal with family (Photo Credits: Yogen Shah)
Isha Ambani with father and mother (Photo Credits: Yogen Shah)

After announcing his Akash Ambani’s engagement with Shloka, the daughter of Russell Mehta, managing director of Indian diamond company Rosy Blue in March, the Ambanis are delighted to share the big news of their daughter Isha getting engaged on May 6. Isha, 26, and Anand, 25, have been long-time friends turned couple. The Piramal scion proposed his ladylove during a family outing at a temple in Mahabaleshwar over the weekend. The photos of Anand proposing Isha were too cute for words. Who is Anand Piramal, the Soon-to-be Husband of Mukesh Ambani's Daughter Isha Ambani? All You Need to Know.

Isha and Anand (Photo Credits: Yogen Shah and Hello Mag)

According to reports, members of both families were present who joined them for celebrations after Isha happily agreed to marry Anand. Isha’s parents Nita and Mukesh Ambani, Anand’s mom and dad, Swati and Ajay, Isha's grandparents, Kokilaben Ambani and Purnimaben Dalal, Isha's twin brother Akash, younger brother Anant, Anand's sister Nandini, Peter, Anya, Dev and others were present to celebrate the big occasion. Post the proposal and family celebrations, the lovely duo along with their families visited Mumbai temples to seek blessings of the Almighty.

Earlier, the year we had seen the Ambanis visit Siddhivinayak with son Akasha and their future daughter-in-law Shloka Mehta. Akash had proposed marriage to Shloka on March 24 followed by a lavish engagement ceremony held in Goa. While the wedding dates of both couples are yet to be decided, as per reports, Isha and Anand’s marriage ceremony is most likely to take place before Akash and Sholka.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 07, 2018 09:42 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website