International Dance Day is celebrated globally on April 29 as it is the birthday of famed French dance artist Jean-Georges Noverre, who was born in 1727, a French dancer, ballet master and a great reformer of dance. Dance is a powerful way of expressing. There are various forms of dancing which comes with its own significance and benefits. While some dance forms have its origin in culture and traditions, others are modern are recently added to the list. International Dance Day is widely observed across countries with various programs and workshops every year. Although the celebrations have been curtailed this year due to the lockdown, you can dance the day away at home. Meanwhile, as we celebrate this day, we bring to you quotes on dancing by some famous personalities alongside beautiful International Dance Day 2020 HD images. These beautiful quotes on dancing not only portrays the elegance of the art form but also of self-acceptance. On World Theatre Day 2020, Share These Wonderful Quotes That Describe the Beauty of This Performing Art.

Meanwhile, send these beautiful quotes on dancing to inspire upcoming dancers. These motivational phrases are sure to uplift their confidence and pursue their passion to the fullest. You can also share these thoughtful quotes with the dancers you know this International Dance Day. Quotes on Art to Create Awareness on the Beauty of Creative Art Forms.

Quotes on Dance (Photo Credits: File Photo)

“Work Like You Don’t Need the Money. Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt. Dance Like Nobody’s Watching.” – Satchel Paige

Beautiful quote on dancing (Photo Credits: File Photo)

“When You Dance, You Can Enjoy the Luxury of Being You.” – Paulo Coelho

International Dance Day Quotes (Photo Credits: File Photo)

“Dancing Is More Than Just Moving Body Parts; It Is a Pathway of Expressing Your Deepest Inner Thoughts.” – Normani Kordei

International Dance Day 2020 Quotes (Photo Credits: File Photo)

“The Job of Feet Is Walking, but Their Hobby Is Dancing.” – Amit Kalantri

Quotes on Dancing (Photo Credits: File Photo)

“Dance Every Performance As if It Were Your Last.” – Erik Bruhn

International Dance Day was created by the Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute (ITI), the main partner for the performing arts of UNESCO. Since its creation in 1982, the International Dance Committee and the International Theatre Institute ITI select a dance personality to write a message for International Dance Day. Also to mark International Dance Day each year, the International Theatre Institute invites its members along with dancers, choreographers, students and other dance enthusiasts to join them in a Gala Celebration at a place chosen host city decided on by the Executive Council of the International Theatre Institute.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 29, 2020 10:00 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website