International Cat Day 2020 Funny Cat Memes and Jokes: Feline Blue? Hilarious Posts About Cats That Will Make Your Day!

Happy International Cat Day 2020! Cat lovers, gather around, the day to celebrate cats is here. Today you can enjoy the day dedicated to cats in various ways, however, the best way would definitely be by sharing funny cat memes!

International Cat Day 2020 Funny Cat Memes and Jokes: Feline Blue? Hilarious Posts About Cats That Will Make Your Day! (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Happy International Cat Day 2020! Cat lovers, gather around, the day to celebrate cats is here. Today you can enjoy the day dedicated to cats in various ways, however, the best way would definitely be by sharing funny cat memes! Cat lovers will definitely relate to some of the best cat memes online. Like most of us know cats are not one of the warmest pets and unlike dogs they don't even need attention all day long but when they show you they love... they'll mostly scratch your face. LOL.

Just like all pets have different way of exhibiting their love, cats are said to bring dead birds to your doorstep to show that they care for you.  In the cat world, they think, they're bringing food for you! Isn't that cute and creepy at the same time? Well, more such characteristics of cats are exhibited via some of the most viral cat memes that will make you LOL. Cats can be the funniest. Cat videos are a rage on social media, people love to endlessly watch cats do stupid things and same with cat memes, some of the funniest aspects of the cat world are represented purrfectly in the viral cat memes and jokes. Let's take a look at a few!


This Is Too Cute

If You're a Cat Owner, You Know It!



LOL Who Did This?!

The Crying Cat Meme


Who Said That?


Every year on August 8 Cat Day is celebrated and but do you even know why it is celebrated? The history of the day dates back to 2002 when the International Fund for Animal Welfare when the International Cat Day, also referred to as World Cat Day in some countries was initiated. Ever since the celebration only grew bigger.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 08, 2020 08:30 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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