A giant fireball was spotted flashing across the sky and crashing into northwestern China's Yushu City on Wednesday. The footage captured by locals shows an unidentified object exploding and going speedily towards the Earth. It is not known what the ball of fire is, but local media are suggesting the possibility of a very bright meteor. No casualties have been reported. Multiple clips of the fireball are being shared widely on Chinese social media platforms. It shows the meteor lighting up the night sky beautifully. Shooting Stars in Broad Daylight! From New York to Ontario, Fireball Meteor Shower Lights Up the Sky Across the East Coast of US and Canada During the Day.

The incident is said to have occurred at around 7 am on Wednesday. Local residents reported they had heard loud bangs. One of the videos was taken by science blogger on a flight from Xi'an to Lhasa. Footage shows the burning object going towards hills. There are also videos of the fireball becomes brighter and bigger before falling to the ground. Check out pictures and videos of the giant meteor fireball shared on social media. The images shared on social media looks quite stunning. UFO Spotted in Sydney! Videos And Photos of Bright Lights in Early Morning Sky Go Viral.

China Earthquake Networks Center said it had recorded the incident. The authority said through its social media account that a suspected bolide landed near the border between Nangqian County and Yusu County at 7.25 am.

Video of Giant Meteor Shower:

Pictures of the Fireball:

China Earthquake Networks Center said it had recorded the incident. They said a suspected bolide landed near the border between Nangqian County and Yusu County at 7.25 AM. Yu Jun, the chief writer of Chinese science website Guokr said that the fireball looked like a bolide, a bright star. The Nanxiang County Government told Red Star News that they had heard of the matter but did not know about the details.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 24, 2020 08:50 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).