Mumbai Police's social media's presence has always been filled with intended puns, wits and satire. Their creative traffic advisories, road safety rules, social messages have been much appreciated time and again. They often draw references from popular Netflix series, TV shows and memes for mass appeal among social media users. UP Police Twitter Handle Uses Sacred Games Meme To Give Warnings Against Fake News. Occasionally, they also share videos to raise awareness about different social causes and issues. This time the city police has something funny in store for you. A video shared on their Twitter handle shows a man pickpocketing another man standing in front of him in a queue.

It seems like a supermarket where people have queued up before pay counters for billing. One man in the line quietly slips a hand into the pocket of the one standing in front of him. He takes out a wallet and keeps it with him. He then turns to find a CCTV glaring at him and regrets immediately. The man joins hand saying sorry to the camera and hands the man his wallet suggesting that it had fallen down. The man then thanks the pickpocketer for his honesty and even shakes hand with him, not knowing the entire story. Mumbai Police Ridicules Kiki Challenge, Warns Citizens To Desist From Public Nuisance In This Funny Compilation Video!

Here is Mumbai's Police's tweet:

Mumbai Police shared the video with the title: 'The video is funny, but the consequences, in reality, will be quite serious! #EyeOpenersForYou.' While this man got away with it, Mumbai Police wants to convey the message that it won't be the case with everyone. Similar videos of people stealing other's wallet only to return it on seeing they were captured on CCTV have gone viral in the past too.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 20, 2018 12:23 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website