Fisherman Survives Crocodile Attack, Frees Himself From Giant Alligator's Jaws by Sticking Fingers in Its Eyes

The crocodile bit the victim three times and dragged him to the bottom, according to the Queensland Ambulance Service, which confirmed the information.

Crocodile Attack (Representational Image; Photo Credit: Pixabay)

Mumbai, April 11: A man was rushed to the nearby hospital after being attacked by a crocodile near a remote Queensland campground. The 44-year-old was attacked by a 15 ft (4.5-meter) reptile that tried to drown him. The latter was able to defend himself only by stabbing his fingers in the alligator’s eyes.

The crocodile bit the victim three times, leaving him with severe damage to his head, abdomen, and leg in addition to several fractures. Crocodile Attack in Madhya Pradesh: Youth Slips and Falls in Chambal River, Gets Eaten by Reptile. 

On a Saturday afternoon, the man was swimming at Archer Point, a well-liked campground on the Cape York Peninsula in Queensland, about 20 kilometres south of Cooktown.

The alligator pulled the victim well below the surface of the water, but he managed to free himself and swim to rocks before rescue crews arrived.

A group of six persons who were swimming with him provided medical assistance to the man who was left severely injured in the encounter. Later, he was treated by emergency personnel, who then airlifted him to a hospital in Cairns.

The Queensland Ambulance Service's confirmed it to the media that the crocodile had bit the man three times and dragged him to the bottom.

According to them, the victim was able to repeatedly poke the crocodile in the eyes before swimming away and towards the coast. He's incredibly fortunate; not many individuals would have survived this, the service added. Crocodile Attack Leaves Forest Officer Injured in Uttar Pradesh’s Sitapur, Horrific Video Goes Viral. 

It is believed that the man was attacked on Saturday at noontime close to the Archer Point Camp Ground. Before a helicopter could transport the man to Cairns Hospital, rescue workers had to hoist him to safety in a hard-to-reach spot.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 11, 2023 03:44 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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