Swara Bhaskar has time and again faced controversies, be it for her political views or her movie scenes. Since the time Swara Bhaskar's masturbation scene from Veere Di Wedding went viral, she has been grabbing headlines like never before. Yesterday, a viral video of her's is doing rounds on social media in which a man who is being called a "Modi Bhakt" on social media tried to stop Bhaskar for an airport for a selfie. The man cheekily took a short video instead. The video titled 'epic beizzati' is being widely shared on Twitter ever since it was uploaded. The man took a selfie video with the actress and also sneaked in a comment made with sarcastic intentions saying: "Ma'am, aayega toh Modi hi." Swara Bhasker’s Masturbation Scene From Veere Di Wedding Resurfaces on Polling Day As Trolls Target Her, Actress Hits Back Like a Boss.

Take a look at Swara Bhaskar's viral video:

However, Swara Bhaskar who is well known for her outspoken attitude and transparent political views, took onto Twitter to respond to the viral video. She said: "A guy asks for a selfie @ airport; I oblige ‘coz I don’t discriminate people who want selfies based on their politics. He sneakily shoots a video. Tacky & underhand tactics r trademarks of bhakts. I’m unsurprised. But always glad 2 make bhakts feel like their lives are worthwhile."

Swara Bhaskar's reply to Modi supporter's sneaky video:

On the political front, Swara Bhaskar's has always been vocal about her opinions and recently she has been actively campaigning against BJP candidate Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 09, 2019 09:11 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).