Lucknow, April 13: In a shocking incident on Sunday, a woman threw her five children into the Ganga river in Jeghangirabad in Uttar Pradesh's Bhadohi district. Several media houses reported that the woman, identified as Manju Devi, threw her children into the Ganga river because they were not getting food in the coronavirus lockdown and money inflow had stopped because she was a daily wage earner. However, the Uttar Pradesh government has denied it. Did 5G Mobile Network Cause COVID-19 Pandemic? WHO Debunks FAKE Social Media Claim.

The Press Information Bureau, Uttar Pradesh, has shared a video in which the accused woman can be heard saying that Manju threw her five children into the Ganga following an argument with her husband. "I was in stress because I had a fight with my husband. He always hits me and that's why I was angry," the woman can be heard saying in the video. According to police, Manju and her husband Mridul Yadav often quarrelled. Fact Check: Holding Breath For 10 Seconds Show if You Have Coronavirus? Here's The Truth About Viral Claim by PIB.

Watch Video of Woman's Statement:

District Magistrate Rajendra Prasad has also denied reports that Manju threw the children into the river because she could not find food during the ongoing lockdown. “The woman and her family members have not mentioned any such thing. I deny such reports… action will be initiated against those spreading fake news," Prasad was quoted by news agency PTI as saying.

The bodies of Aarti and Saraswati, aged 12 and 10, were fished out by divers and efforts were on to trace Maateshwari, Shivshankar and Keshav Prasad, Superintendent of Police Ram Badan Singh said.

Fact check

Fake News Alert: Reports That UP Woman Threw Five Children Into Ganga River Due to Coronavirus Lockdown Are False, Watch Video of Woman's Statement
Claim :

UP woman threw five children into Ganga river due to shortage of food during coronavirus outbreak.

Conclusion :

UP woman threw five children into Ganga river over quarrel with husband.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 13, 2020 05:10 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website