Elon Musk 'Forgets' Son X Æ A-12's Name During Interview, Laughingly Says 'It Sounds Like Password' Leaving Netizens in Splits (Watch Video)

Tesla CEO Elon Musk and his her singer partner gave netizens a really tough time by naming their newborn X Æ A-12. As people struggle, the couple explained its meaning and also how to pronounce it. Now, the world was at peace that they knew how to pronounce Musk's son's name, seems Musk himself forgot it.

Viral Team Latestly|
Elon Musk 'Forgets' Son X Æ A-12's Name During Interview, Laughingly Says 'It Sounds Like Password' Leaving Netizens in Splits (Watch Video)
Elon Musk 'Forgets' Son X Æ A-12's Name During Interview (Photo Credits: Tobias Lindh YouTube)

Tesla CEO Elon Musk and his her singer partner gave netizens a really tough time by naming their newborn X Æ A-12. As people struggle, the couple explained its meaning and also how to pronounce it. Now, the world was at peace that they knew how to pronounce Musk's son's name, seems Musk himself forgot it. During his visit to Giga factory in Berlin, Germany, a member of the press member asking him 'How's X Æ A-12?' The Tesla CEO who was caught off guard asking about his son asked the reporter to repeat the question. Elon Musk Shares First Pic of Son X Æ A-12 but It’s the Meaning of Baby Boy’s Name That Got Netizens Excited! Funny Memes and Jokes Take Over Twitter.

When the reported repeated, Musk laughed and said, "Oh, oh you mean my kid? That sounds like a password." He added, "Yeah, he’s great." He also said that he may get his son to the place on his next visit in a few months. As the video went viral, social media users couldn't stop laughing at how the father compared his son's name to a password. The comment section of the YouTube video is filled with videos of people asking if he could really pronounce his son's name right or not. Watch the video below from 1:25 min onwards.

Elon Musk Forgets Son X Æ A-12’s Name During Interview:

Here's How Twitterati Reacted:


Sounds Believable!

Everyone Laughed With Musk at This:

The couple had actually named their son as  X Æ A-Xii, but had to change it to  X Æ A-12 due to a Californian law that prohibits Indo-Arabic numerals in names. Musk and Grimes welcomed their first child together in May. Later, they explained the meaning and how to pronounce the name. Grimes explained that X stood for, 'the unknown variable' while AE refers to the 'elven spelling of Ai,' meaning 'love &/or Artificial intelligence. A-12 stands for the 'precursor to SR-17, which is the couple's favourite aircraft because it has 'no weapons, no defences, just speed'.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 11, 2020 08:02 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

Viral Team Latestly|
Elon Musk 'Forgets' Son X Æ A-12's Name During Interview, Laughingly Says 'It Sounds Like Password' Leaving Netizens in Splits (Watch Video)
Elon Musk 'Forgets' Son X Æ A-12's Name During Interview (Photo Credits: Tobias Lindh YouTube)

Tesla CEO Elon Musk and his her singer partner gave netizens a really tough time by naming their newborn X Æ A-12. As people struggle, the couple explained its meaning and also how to pronounce it. Now, the world was at peace that they knew how to pronounce Musk's son's name, seems Musk himself forgot it. During his visit to Giga factory in Berlin, Germany, a member of the press member asking him 'How's X Æ A-12?' The Tesla CEO who was caught off guard asking about his son asked the reporter to repeat the question. Elon Musk Shares First Pic of Son X Æ A-12 but It’s the Meaning of Baby Boy’s Name That Got Netizens Excited! Funny Memes and Jokes Take Over Twitter.

When the reported repeated, Musk laughed and said, "Oh, oh you mean my kid? That sounds like a password." He added, "Yeah, he’s great." He also said that he may get his son to the place on his next visit in a few months. As the video went viral, social media users couldn't stop laughing at how the father compared his son's name to a password. The comment section of the YouTube video is filled with videos of people asking if he could really pronounce his son's name right or not. Watch the video below from 1:25 min onwards.

Elon Musk Forgets Son X Æ A-12’s Name During Interview:

Here's How Twitterati Reacted:


Sounds Believable!

Everyone Laughed With Musk at This:

The couple had actually named their son as  X Æ A-Xii, but had to change it to  X Æ A-12 due to a Californian law that prohibits Indo-Arabic numerals in names. Musk and Grimes welcomed their first child together in May. Later, they explained the meaning and how to pronounce the name. Grimes explained that X stood for, 'the unknown variable' while AE refers to the 'elven spelling of Ai,' meaning 'love &/or Artificial intelligence. A-12 stands for the 'precursor to SR-17, which is the couple's favourite aircraft because it has 'no weapons, no defences, just speed'.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 11, 2020 08:02 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

Tesla Attacks: FBI Launches Task Force To Investigate Incidents Targeting Elon Musk’s EV Company a-src="https://st1.latestly.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/1-818912652-380x214.jpg" src="" alt="Ghibli-Style Image Trend Takes Over Instagram and Elon Musk-Run X After OpenAI’s GPT-4o Update">

Ghibli-Style Image Trend Takes Over Instagram and Elon Musk-Run X After OpenAI’s GPT-4o Update

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