In a landmark decision, a transgender woman who was denied a leg wax at a Canadian salon has been awarded $35,000 in damages by a local tribunal. The ruling came after the owner allegedly stated that they had no one to serve "someone like you." Despite the tribunal’s decision, the salon, Mad Wax Windsor, is fighting back. The court ruling mentions that the applicant testified that she told the individual respondent she was a trans woman and was seeking to have her legs waxed.

"The individual respondent denied that she said she was seeking a leg wax and initially testified that she said she wanted a Brazilian wax. However, he admitted on cross-examination that the applicant never said Brazilian wax and that he assumed she was seeking a Brazilian wax," says the ruling.

Raymond Colautti, a lawyer representing the salon owner Jason Carruthers, has described the ruling as "deeply flawed" and confirmed that an appeal has been filed. Carruthers expressed his dismay to CBC News, calling the decision "unjust" and stating that he was "shocked by the awarded amount as a small business owner."

The incident that led to the tribunal's decision occurred in March 2018 when the transgender woman, identified only as A.B., called the salon to book an appointment for a leg wax. According to A.B., the salon's refusal to serve her was discriminatory. Following the incident, A.B. filed a human rights complaint, which eventually led to the tribunal's ruling.

The impact of the incident on A.B.'s life has been profound. She testified that she attempted suicide and became addicted to substances in the aftermath. While it remains unclear whether these actions were directly linked to the discrimination she faced at Mad Wax, A.B. emphasized that the ordeal had significantly escalated her emotional distress.

In a statement cited by the CBC, A.B. elaborated on the emotional toll the incident took on her, saying, "It helps tell the story of the discrimination I faced and the steps taken to escalate that discrimination and harassment against me." Meanwhile, Mad Wax Windsor has temporarily closed its doors, with a voicemail indicating the salon will remain shut until July 5.

This case has sparked a broader conversation about the rights of transgender individuals and the responsibilities of businesses to provide inclusive services. As the appeal process unfolds, it will be closely watched by advocates and small business owners alike, serving as a significant precedent in the ongoing fight against discrimination.

While A.B.'s victory marks an important step towards justice, the controversy surrounding the tribunal’s ruling underscores the complexities of balancing individual rights with the challenges faced by small businesses. The outcome of the appeal will likely have lasting implications for similar cases in the future.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 27, 2024 09:04 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website