Social media has been abuzz with discussions about Aman Ramgarhia, a well-known social media influencer from Punjab, whose private intimate video has gone viral. This incident was witnessed almost a year after the Kulhad Pizza couple's MMS video went viral. Reportedly, the video has been leaked by the same guy who made the MMS, leading to a widespread controversy about Aman Ramgarhia online. The video quickly gained traction, drawing significant attention and criticism from the online community. This incident has sparked widespread debate about privacy, the responsibilities of influencers, and the consequences of digital exposure. Anjali Arora's MMS Leaked Video, Kulhad Pizza Couple Viral's Sex Video Scandal – Influencers for Whom Fame Has Come via Private Intimate Videos!

Who is Aman Ramgarhia?

Aman Ramgarhia is a prominent social media influencer with a substantial following on platforms, especially Instagram. Known for her engaging content and charismatic personality, Ramgarhia has built a loyal fan base over the years with 115k followers. She is admired for her creativity and ability to connect with a diverse audience through her modelling skills and everyday experience.

However, the recent scandal has cast a shadow over her reputation and raised questions about the pressures and vulnerabilities faced by influencers.

Aman Ramgarhia’s Response to Leaked MMS Video

Taking to social media, Aman Ramgarhia talked about her leaked MMS video, which went viral online. She issued a statement on her social media accounts, expressing her distress over the incident. She stated, “For several days, a few pages have been making one thing viral over and over again to taste some of our time and increase your followers… Without thinking about the impact this thing will have on me and my family. My only mistake is that I allowed that person to make a video because I have so much faith in him. There was nothing in my mind that anything like this could happen to me going forward. What was supposed to happen now has happened. I have been very upset for the last several days. My friends and family know what I am going through. I tried to eliminate myself, but I survived every time.”

Ramgarhia pin-pointed the emotional toll this incident has taken over her, stating that she has been absent from social media since the video’s release. She clarified that the video dates back to 2022 and emphasised that it was intentionally released by the individual who made the video.“I don’t want to post on social media and tell everyone that yes… I have done all this to myself… I have been very much away from social media since that day,” she explained.

Aman Ramgarhia's Response (Photo Credits: Instagram)
Aman Ramgarhia's Response (Photo Credits: Instagram)

She urged her followers and the general public to consider the consequences of their actions and to foster a more respectful and empathetic digital environment.

The viral MMS video controversy involving Aman Ramgarhia serves as a stark reminder of the challenges and risks associated with the digital age. It calls for greater respect for privacy and a more responsible approach to social media. As Aman Ramgarhia continues to navigate this difficult period, it is essential for both influencers and their audiences to learn from this incident and to strive for a more ethical and respectful online community.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 30, 2024 06:22 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website