Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor Khan are currently busy with the promotions of their upcoming film, Good Newwz. The comedy-drama is all set to release in December and the film's lead cast recently appeared on The Kapil Sharma Show to promote the same. The show is known to promise big laughs and this time, one of the jokes on the show was about the soaring onion prices. To make things funnier, the crew presented Kareena with a set of onion earrings, yes you heard it right. While Kareena didn't sem highly impressed by this, Akshay decided to take them home and presented them to his wife Twinkle Khanna. While the onion prices have inspired a lot of memes, we have to agree this was one of the coolest ones.
Taking to Instagram, Twinkle shared a picture of the earrings and stated that she was highly touched by this gesture. Twinkle wrote, "My partner returns from performing at the Kapil Sharma show and says, ‘They were showing this to Kareena, I don’t think she was too impressed, but I knew you would enjoy them so I got them for you.’ Sometimes it’s the smallest things, the silliest things that can touch your heart." Good Newwz: Akshay Kumar, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Diljit Dosanjh, Kiara Advani Team up With Badshah and Harrdy Sandhu for the Party Anthem of this Year (View Pic).
Check Out Twinkle Khanna's Post Here:
Given the hike in prices of Onions, Khanna who is known for her wit had also posted a picture of herself saying 'Onions are the new avocados'. The actress was seen posing with the two vegetables that almost came to the same price range eventually.
Check Out Twinkle's Tweet Here:
Onions are the new Avocados. My bit this week for @TweakIndia https://t.co/52ulfYEQLW #OnionEmergency pic.twitter.com/QA4JyNM1t4
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) December 7, 2019
Twinkle's post invited a host of comments including Ayushmann Khurrana's wife Tahira Kashyap who posted a laughter emoji on the post. Another user wrote, "Onion ring justified." Given that Twinkle aka Mrs Funnybones is known to have a fantastic sense of humour and wit, we totally understand why this was the perfect gift for her!
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 13, 2019 12:21 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).