Sonakshi Sinha’s Maldives Vacation Photos: From Slaying in Bikini to Swimming With Turtles, ‘Asli Sona’ Had a Dream Holiday (See Pics and Videos)

So that was all from Sona's Maldives diaries -- yes, just like you, we are also turning green with jealousy seeing all those awesome snaps.

Travel Rashmi Mishra|
Sonakshi Sinha’s Maldives Vacation Photos: From Slaying in Bikini to Swimming With Turtles, ‘Asli Sona’ Had a Dream Holiday (See Pics and Videos)
Sonakshi Sinha (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Maldives is proving to Bollywood babes’ favourite holiday destination. And especially for a mini-break. We saw Parineeti Chopra head off to the tropical nation for a quick vacay and now Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi actress Sonakshi Sinha is making us super jealous with her Maldives vacation photos. The 31-year-old beauty has had the most fantastic time exploring the depths of the ocean and enjoyed the blue sky. Sona had her best friends, or should we call them beach shenanigans by her side on the fun trip to the Maldives. She swam with turtles on her underwater adventure, flaunted her well-toned body in beach-perfect outfits. Parineeti Chopra Vacations in Maldives! See Pictures of the Actress Enjoying Clear Skies and the Blue Ocean.

Sonakshi is the ultimate water baby of Bollywood. The happy-go-lucky star showed us her love for beaches and pools with her latest vacation pics. From the posts and Instagram stories, you can see her relax on the beach, play with sand, chill in the swimming pools with her besties and having a blast on the yacht.

The best pictures of the Kalank actress are in which she is doing underwater diving. Sonakshi who claims mermaid to be her spirit animal seems to have activated Ariel mode. Just like the Disney princess, Sonakshi is not scared of diving deep down and touching the seabed. She seems to be wholly engrossed in the beauty and mystery of oceans. Please take a look at pictures shared by Sonakshi Sinha as she made new memories with her friends in the Maldives.

Mermaid is Sonakshi's Spirit Animal!


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Travel Rashmi Mishra|
Sonakshi Sinha’s Maldives Vacation Photos: From Slaying in Bikini to Swimming With Turtles, ‘Asli Sona’ Had a Dream Holiday (See Pics and Videos)
Sonakshi Sinha (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Maldives is proving to Bollywood babes’ favourite holiday destination. And especially for a mini-break. We saw Parineeti Chopra head off to the tropical nation for a quick vacay and now Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi actress Sonakshi Sinha is making us super jealous with her Maldives vacation photos. The 31-year-old beauty has had the most fantastic time exploring the depths of the ocean and enjoyed the blue sky. Sona had her best friends, or should we call them beach shenanigans by her side on the fun trip to the Maldives. She swam with turtles on her underwater adventure, flaunted her well-toned body in beach-perfect outfits. Parineeti Chopra Vacations in Maldives! See Pictures of the Actress Enjoying Clear Skies and the Blue Ocean.

Sonakshi is the ultimate water baby of Bollywood. The happy-go-lucky star showed us her love for beaches and pools with her latest vacation pics. From the posts and Instagram stories, you can see her relax on the beach, play with sand, chill in the swimming pools with her besties and having a blast on the yacht.

The best pictures of the Kalank actress are in which she is doing underwater diving. Sonakshi who claims mermaid to be her spirit animal seems to have activated Ariel mode. Just like the Disney princess, Sonakshi is not scared of diving deep down and touching the seabed. She seems to be wholly engrossed in the beauty and mystery of oceans. Please take a look at pictures shared by Sonakshi Sinha as she made new memories with her friends in the Maldives.

Mermaid is Sonakshi's Spirit Animal!


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Mermaids exist 🧜🏼‍♀️ #spiritanimal

A post shared by Sonakshi Sinha (@aslisona) on

Best of Sonakshi Sinha's Holiday Moments

Maldives diaries (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Swimming With Turtles Look Fun


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I swam with a turtle this sunday afternoon, what did you get up to? @fairmont.maldives #scubadiving #waterbaby #maldivesislands

A post shared by Sonakshi Sinha (@aslisona) on

Sonakshi Sinha With Her Girl Pals!

Maldives diaries (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Feeling Blue Is Not Such a Bad Thing

Beach Shenanigans

Poutface and Palm Background = Perfect Selfie

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" data-src="" alt="" width="800" height="" />

Maldives diaries (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Feeling Blue Is Not Such a Bad Thing

Beach Shenanigans

Poutface and Palm Background = Perfect Selfie


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Keep palm and carry on! #kisskiss

A post shared by Sonakshi Sinha (@aslisona) on

Sonakshi Saves The Best Pic for The Last

So that was all from Sona's Maldives diaries -- yes, just like you, we are also turning green with jealousy seeing all those awesome snaps. It is time you too go on that trip with your friends, which you guys have been planning since forever. At least, forward this article to your besties and inspire them to take a vacation sooon!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 20, 2018 07:09 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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