Flights are a convenient mode of transport when you are short on time. But while you travel to your destination faster, you tend to miss out on something like the important landmarks you'd be crossing. And we all love window seats in flights, but after a point, it is just white clouds outside. But now if you are flying over any prime landmarks in the country, there will be an announcement about it. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has asked Indian carriers to announce which landmark they are flying over. So while the people may not be able to see the landmark clearly, they will still know what they are flying over. Ever Wondered Why Airplanes are White in Colour?

The important landmarks include Taj Mahal in Agra, or Ajanta and Ellora near Ahmedabad, the Sun Temple at Konark or the Statue of Unity near Baroda. Domestic flights will get more touristy. These announcements will be made in local languages like Hindi and English. But these in-flight announcements will not affect any safety requirements and job functions. The decision was taken after PM Narendra Modi tweeted about the Statue of Unity being seen from the flight. Secret Airplane Bedrooms Where Pilots and Crew Members Rest on Long-Distance Flights is Revealed, Watch Video. 

Watch Narendra Modi's Tweet About Spotting Statue of Unity From the Flight

So not just the Statue of Unity, flyers will also come to know about other landmarks in the country. It is a good step that will promote more Indian destinations.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 28, 2018 05:29 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website