Symbiosexuals and Symbiosexuality are the latest emerging trends in sexual attraction and human dynamics. Search engines and social media platforms are buzzing with the words ‘symbiosexuality,’ also known as ‘unicorn polyamory.’ Just like a polyamorous or a closed V relationship, symbiosexuality also involves three people. Yet it is not the same. Researchers and experts who recently discovered the phenomenon mention that symbiosexuals are attracted to the bond, energy, and multidimensionality that is shared between two people in a loving relationship. In a traditional relationship, people usually fall for one another or for traits in another person. However, symbiosexuals get attracted to or fall in love with the love that a preexisting couple has for each other. They do not fall for the individuals themselves. So, is symbiosexuality a new form of threesome? Here’s all you should know about it. Symbiosexuals, a New Form of Threesome? What Is Symbiosexuality? Emerging Trend of Sexual Attraction to Established Couples Is Heating Up the Relationship Dynamics.

Symbiosexuality vs Threesome

Have you ever come across a so-in-love couple and wished to experience, feel or be a part of that love without being attracted to the individuals involved? Well, you could be symbiosexual. Symbiosexuality, a new form of sexual attraction was recently discovered by researchers. The study, published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour, states that “symbiosexuality refers to the attraction towards the energy, power and multidimensionality that is shared between people in relationships.” In simpler terms, a symbiosexual is a person who wants to be connected to a couple through the energy and feelings of love and care that are shared between them. Symbiosexuality is not restricted to any age or gender. It can be found in people across ages, genders, races and socio-economic classes. So, can symbiosexuality be called as a new form of threesome? Well, not really!

A threesome relationship involves three partners. While symbiosexuality also involves three people, unicorn polyamory is not the same as threesome. In the study that was conducted, the participants mentioned that they were only attracted to the energy between the couple and not the individuals. A threesome, also known as a triad or a throuple, refers to a consensual, committed and balanced relationship between three people. A symbiosexual or a unicorn 'simply joins' a preexisting relationship for the bond and the energy. The study also states that symbiosexuals often receive poor treatment, are ostracised, stigmatised, or objectified by both monogamous and non-monogamous communities.

Why does this happen? Because symbiosexuals or unicorns try to get involved with a preexisting couple to experience the bond and the feeling of love between the partners but do not care about any other aspect of the relationship. Hence symbiosexuality is not really considered as a new form of threesome. It is a completely new, unique and emerging form of sexual attraction that is being studied. Symbiosexuals, Polyamorous and Closed V: How Does Relationship Involving Multiple People Work? Beyond the Confines of Monogamous Love and Sexual Attraction, Here's What You Should Know.

Symbiosexuality is a complex yet fascinating phenomenon. There are a lot of people who identify as symbiosexual. This new phenomenon certainly changes the way human attractions, behaviours and desires are understood.

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