Rahul Tiwari, Delhi-Based Entrepreneur, Becomes Online Marketing Expert; Shares Experience
Rahul Tiwari belongs to an average middle-class family based in Delhi who turned his dreams into reality. An average student who has always been scolded by his teachers throughout his schooling but never let anyone bother his dreams to become a successful affiliate marketer.
Rahul Tiwari is a man who never settled, a man who has always been unstoppable, a man who never stopped trying. “Believe in yourself” this is the idea where one should always stick on. Rahul Tiwari is one who has always believed in himself and never lost faith. At the age of 16, his hard work and sincerity surprised many with his entrepreneurial skills as he boomed the entire market of affiliated marketing. As we all know that nothing and no one can stop running water, Rahul is just like that only. That’s why affiliate marketing was not the final destination for his dreams. There was a way more to go, a lot of achievements was waiting for him on his way.
Rahul Tiwari belongs to an average middle-class family based in Delhi who turned his dreams into reality. An average student who has always been scolded by his teachers throughout his schooling but never let anyone bother his dreams to become a successful affiliate marketer. Every youngster dreams big, but not every youngster could make real out of it. But Rahul was not like the rest of them, he turned his dreams into a huge reality of his life by following his dreams and a path that leads to success. A path of hard work, expertise, and improvement.
Just at the age of 18, when kids like us will think about planning for college, Rahul Tiwari left his studies and started planning to invest and do something really big in his life. Just after completing his intermediate, he invested a huge amount on cryptocurrencies in 2017. Just for your sake of knowledge cryptocurrencies ( or crypto currency ) is a kind of digital asset, which is designed to work as a medium of the exchange that uses strong cryptography to secure all the financial transaction, it controls the creation of all the additional units, and also verify the transfer of the financial assets.
There is no lie when we say “Even when the whole world is against you, there is surely gonna be someone who will be there for you, with you”. Just like this, even Rahul has always had someone in his life who never left him, and always supported him and kept him motivated whenever he lost hope. Here, those support system were his parents and his two friends, Nikul Gupta and Muskan Shukla. These two were truly a soul mate for him who never left him empty-handed, and alone. They became the two pillars for his downfalls.
Rahul Tiwari is truly an inspiration for all the youngsters who believe in themselves. Those who want to do big things, who dream big.