It was the worst of times, it was the best of times. And these are the times of filters, edits, and the growing tendency of people to follow internet trends so they can feel successful and relevant.
In such waters, one can easily lose their shine, lose everything that makes them, them.
Montreal Only - founded by Jeff Radimiri (@JeffreyGoldVine on Instagram) and Alex Vaccaro in 2016 - is a digital media company committed to bringing raw and real stories from Montreal, Quebec.
Montreal Only uses the power of the internet to establish itself as a local media powerhouse and shed light on the uncut gems from Montreal. From the food to the local artists, there’s something interesting for everyone!
Radimiri and Vaccaro decided it would be perfect if they focused on the daily lives and times of the people of Montreal. They built a reputation for delivering raw content that strikes a chord within Montrealers.
Currently, the website of Montreal Only is getting a revamp, gearing up towards delivering raw footage of news and events with food segments and long format original content.
Apart from this, Vaccaro and Radimiri are are also branching out to real estate. Their current real estate Montreal Realty project is ambitious and more about it can be found on @MTL_Realty on Instagram.