Lucky Fruits for New Year 2023: From Lemon to Pomegranate; 5 Fruits That Will Attract Good Health, Luxury and Prosperity in Your Favour in The Coming Year

Are you preparing to welcome 2023 at home? Consider adding these handpicked five lucky fruits to your dining table on New Year’s Eve to attract fortune and good luck. Scroll down to read about the spiritual importance of fruits and how they can add to the happiness in your life.

Lifestyle Molly Swamy|
Lucky Fruits for New Year 2023: From Lemon to Pomegranate; 5 Fruits That Will Attract Good Health, Luxury and Prosperity in Your Favour in The Coming Year
Representative Image (Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons, Pexels)

Have you jotted down your new year's resolutions already? Does it work as per your pannings? How was your 2022? These are some basic questions you would ask yourself if you wanted to achieve all the good things in your life. Why? Because every year, people want to add up more happiness to their life by tuning in with different lifestyles and good habits. But there are times when your fate might not turn around, despite trying hard to live a life that calls for dynamism and satisfaction. Have you ever wondered why? Well, it's time that you should try adding certain fruits to your diet program this time and see the mind-blowing transformations. No, we are not jesting. LatestLY has got you covered with a list of 5 lucky fruits for New Year 2023 for people who want to be in hog heaven. Red for Wealth to Silver For Opportunities, Know 7 Colours That Are Favourable For The Oncoming New Year.

1. Grapes 

Grapes (Photo Credits: Pixnio)

Grapes symbolise abundance, worldly wealth, and success, help cure fertility and fend off evil energies. Some believers say that eating one grape for the clock's chime on the last day of the year draws good luck.

2. Oranges 

Oranges (Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons)

This citrus fruit is believed to bring a streak of luck and is considered an auspicious fruit in the Chinese tradition. Therefore, time to add oranges to your shopping checklist.

3. Lemon 

Lemon (Photo Credits: Pexels)

The yellow sour fruit signifies longevity, purification, friendship and love. Lemon also help to remove negative energies.

4. Pomegranate

Lucky Fruits for New Year 2023: From Lemon to Pomegranate; 5 Fruits That Will Attract Good Health, Luxury and Prosperity in Your Favour in The Coming Year
Representative Image (Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons, Pexels)

Have you jotted down your new year's resolutions already? Does it work as per your pannings? How was your 2022? These are some basic questions you would ask yourself if you wanted to achieve all the good things in your life. Why? Because every year, people want to add up more happiness to their life by tuning in with different lifestyles and good habits. But there are times when your fate might not turn around, despite trying hard to live a life that calls for dynamism and satisfaction. Have you ever wondered why? Well, it's time that you should try adding certain fruits to your diet program this time and see the mind-blowing transformations. No, we are not jesting. LatestLY has got you covered with a list of 5 lucky fruits for New Year 2023 for people who want to be in hog heaven. Red for Wealth to Silver For Opportunities, Know 7 Colours That Are Favourable For The Oncoming New Year.

1. Grapes 

Grapes (Photo Credits: Pixnio)

Grapes symbolise abundance, worldly wealth, and success, help cure fertility and fend off evil energies. Some believers say that eating one grape for the clock's chime on the last day of the year draws good luck.

2. Oranges 

Oranges (Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons)

This citrus fruit is believed to bring a streak of luck and is considered an auspicious fruit in the Chinese tradition. Therefore, time to add oranges to your shopping checklist.

3. Lemon 

Lemon (Photo Credits: Pexels)

The yellow sour fruit signifies longevity, purification, friendship and love. Lemon also help to remove negative energies.

4. Pomegranate

Pomegranate (Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons)

The sweet and juicy fruit's ruby red hue represents the human heart and defines life, marriage and fertility. It traditionally illustrates a wellspring because of its many, many seeds.

5. Peaches

Peaches (Photo Credits: Needpix)

Have you ever heard about 'Peach Blossom Luck'? These fruits are considered to enhance the ability to attract a romantic partner and fetch longevity, healthiness, finances, and long life.

As per Thai and Chinese traditions and many other customs across the globe, eating specific fruits, especially round-shaped ones, will allow luxury, good health and happiness on your side. Make sure you take these five lucky, vibrant, pulpy and delicious fruits for the new year and bring them into your house.

(The information provided here is based on beliefs and legends only. Before applying any information in real life, consult the concerned expert.)

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 15, 2022 11:41 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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Ugadi 2025 Wishes: Share Happy Telugu New Year Greetings With Yugadi Images, HD Wallpapers, WhatsApp Messages and Quotes To Celebrate the Festival

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