Manifestation has been a popular way for people to seek what they want by simply putting it out into the world. And while there are several factors and practices that manifestation works, the most potent form of manifesting is believed to occur during the cosmic event of Lion's Gate Portal. The Lion's Gate Portal is when the universe is full of positive energy and is all ears to hear your aspirations. And while the Lion's Gate Portal is open from July 28 to August 12, August 8 or 8/8 is believed to be the most vital link to the Lion's Gate Portal. People often focus on putting their Lion's Gate Portal manifestations out in the universe on this day. Lion's Gate Portal manifestations 2023 will fill this universe on August 8. But if you are new to the world of manifesting, here are three easy ways to make your Lion's Gate Portal 2023 manifestations. Poor Mental Health of Employees Costs Indian Employers $14 Billion Yearly: Deloitte Survey.

Visualise Your Goals

The art of manifestation works in various ways. But the most common and popular way of manifestation has to be by using visual aids. Vision boards have been serving as an excellent tool for manifestations. On the occasion of the Lion's Gate Portal manifestation on 8/8, you can either make or upgrade your vision board or spend ample time looking at your goals and then visualising that you are actually achieving those goals.

Clarity Is Your Friend

Another popular way of manifesting is via journalising. However, when using this route, it is crucial to remember that words are your friend. Be as clear, concise and descriptive as possible about whatever it is that you want to manifest. It is believed that explaining in detail the things that you really want to manifest makes it easier for the stars to align and puts you on the right path to achieve those clear goals. Manifest Health, Wealth & Positivity With These 9 NYE Traditions From Around the World to Bring Happiness and Prosperity.

Trust Yourself

A key reason many people do not believe or consider the power of manifestation is the misrepresentation of what it means. Manifestation does not just imply willing something into existence just by thinking about it. In reality, manifestation is about focusing on your dreams with such precision that you can see clear paths to reach these goals and then working on these steps while always believing that you will conquer them all. This belief and trust in yourself is crucial to separating from mere wanting and manifesting.

The Lion's Gate Portal is believed to be at its peak when the sun in Leo, the Earth, Orion's Belt and the star Sirius are lined up, which is activated by the rising of the star Sirius. We hope that these titbits about Lion's Gate Portal and how to manifest help you to make this day with the right energy.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 08, 2023 08:43 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website