Yoga for a Sexy Butt: The Only 5 Poses You Need to Get Your Bum in Shape

We all know that yoga increases your strength and makes you more flexible. But, turns out that yoga is excellent to get your backside in shape too. Pose through this entire sequence five to six times to get a drool-worthy butt.

Are you trying yoga in the pursuit of getting a toned booty? You are heading in the right direction. With yoga, you will not only work your muscles but also burn your calories. While you should not expect results immediately, you will definitely notice a difference if you see yourself in the mirror after a month. What’s more, you will have the strongest back and core with yoga. So roll your mat and get into these butt-toning poses.

1 Ardha Chakrasana or Half Moon Pose

Stand straight keeping both your feet together and arms alongside the body. Putting equal weight on both feet, balance your body. Breathing in, extend your arms overhead. The palms should face each other while you do this. Now with a slow exhalation, push your pelvis forward gently and bend backward. Keep in mind to keep the arms in line with the ears while you do this. The elbows and knees should be kept straight and the head up, lifting your chest towards the ceiling. Hold the posture for some time. Breathing in, come back up keeping your arms overhead and breathing out, bring down your arms and relax. 10 health benefits of yoga that are too good to be true.

2 Utkatasana or Chair Pose

Stand straight on your yoga mat with your hands in namaste in front of you. Now, bend at the knee such that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Bend as if you are sitting on a chair. Next, raise your hands above your head. You can keep your hands either together or separate. Bend your torso slightly forward and breathe. Stay in this position for as long as you can. Try sinking deeper into the position if you can. Remember to breathe normally. To get out of the pose, simply straighten your knees and bring your hands down to your chest. Here's how yogasanas get their names; Sanskrit meanings explained.

3 Salabhasana or Locust Pose

Lie down on your tummy on the floor or your yoga mat. Place your arms by your side, with your palms facing upwards. Move your hands under your thighs, so that your palms are gently pressing into your thighs. Now, place your chin on the floor and slowly tilt your head back. Inhale and bend your head and torso towards the ceiling as much as possible. Hold this pose for as long as you can. Next, exhale and slowly lower your body to the floor. Remember to rest your head on one side as you relax.

4 Sahaja Purvottanasana or Upward Table Pose

Sit down keeping your back erect with your legs outstretched. Keep your hands several inches behind your back. Now bend your legs and press your palms firmly against the floor. As you inhale, push your body with your hands and raise your

pelvis. Your thighs and back should be parallel to the floor. Press your feet evenly into the floor and keep your arms straight. Keep taking slow breaths and hold this position for as long as you can. To release, exhale, and slowly lower your hips to the mat.

5 Ustrasana or Camel Pose

Kneel on your yoga mat and press your shin onto the floor, such that it is flat against the mat. Now place your hands on either side of your pelvis, with your fingers pointing downwards. Make sure your palms are resting on the top of your hip bone. This will help support your back when you bend backward. Next, push your tail bone downwards and forwards while keeping your upper body upright. Inhale and tilt your head back, with your chin pointing to the sky. Gently lean back forming an inward arch in your back. Now place your palms on the soles of your feet for added support. You should feel a stretch right from your chin down to your belly or groin. Hold this pose for fifteen to twenty seconds, exhale and come back to your original position.

Practice these poses daily and while you are at it, remember to not over-stress yourself. You will gain flexibility with time and will soon be able to balance in these poses like a boss.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 20, 2019 08:00 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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