World Asthma Day aims to reduce the burden of asthma by promoting asthma-friendly environments, educating patients and healthcare professionals, and advocating for policies that improve access to asthma care. Through events, campaigns, and educational activities, World Asthma Day strives to empower individuals with asthma to live full and active lives while managing their condition effectively.

World Asthma Day 2024 Date & Significance

World Asthma Day, observed on the first Tuesday of May, which this year falls on May 6, aims to raise awareness about asthma, a chronic respiratory condition that affects millions worldwide. World Asthma Day is a global initiative to raise awareness about asthma and improve asthma care around the world. It is organized by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) to educate people about this chronic respiratory disease, its impact on individuals and communities, and the importance of asthma control and prevention.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is characterised by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, leading to difficulty in breathing. It can range from mild to severe and can be life-threatening if not properly managed.

Asthma Symptoms

Symptoms of asthma include wheezing, coughing (especially at night or early in the morning), chest tightness, and shortness of breath. These symptoms can vary in frequency and severity from person to person and can be triggered by various factors such as allergens (pollen, dust mites, pet dander), respiratory infections, smoke, pollution, and exercise.

Asthma Types

There are several types of asthma, including allergic asthma (triggered by allergens), non-allergic asthma (triggered by irritants such as smoke or cold air), exercise-induced asthma (triggered by physical activity), and occupational asthma (caused by exposure to workplace irritants).

Asthma Causes

The exact cause of asthma is not fully understood, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. People with a family history of asthma or allergies are more likely to develop asthma. Additionally, exposure to tobacco smoke, air pollution, and respiratory infections during early childhood can increase the risk of developing asthma.

Asthma Treatment

Treatment for asthma aims to control symptoms and prevent asthma attacks. This often involves the use of medications such as bronchodilators (to relieve symptoms) and corticosteroids (to reduce inflammation). Inhaled medications are commonly used as they deliver the medication directly to the airways, resulting in fewer side effects compared to oral medications.

In addition to medication, asthma management also includes identifying and avoiding triggers, monitoring symptoms, and having a written asthma action plan in case of an asthma attack. Regular check-ups with a healthcare provider are important to ensure asthma is well-controlled.

On World Asthma Day, organizations and individuals around the globe raise awareness about asthma and advocate for better asthma care and management. It is a reminder for those living with asthma to take control of their condition and for others to educate themselves about asthma and support those affected by it.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 07, 2024 10:05 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website