Got a sweet tooth but still want to lose weight? Life isn't that hard, you've got more options for healthy sweet foods than you think there are. There is nothing better than losing weight the sweet way. You might find it a little hard in the beginning to control your cravings towards the sinful chocolate cake and other such desserts that can wreck your weight loss routine, but with just a few smart tweaks in your food habits and you can satiate your sweet cravings as well as lose weight.
Many people believe that anything that is sweet is unhealthy and promotes weight gain. However, that is not the truth, sweetness from organic and natural sources can help make your diet more comfortable, however, portion control is essential. Here Are A Few Sweet Snacks That Are Very Healthy And Will Help Promote Weight Loss.
1. Yoghurt bowl: Yoghurt is extremely good for your gut and helps promote good bacteria. There is nothing like a yoghurt bowl mixed with fruits and nuts to have to satiate your sweet cravings.

2. Frozen berries: Berries are extremely low in carbs and rich in various antioxidants and fibre, a cup of unsweetened frozen blueberries contains only 79 calories and 1 gram of fat. A bowl of mixed frozen berries is a great sweet food option. If you want to make it enjoyable, you can make a simple berry ice-cream by forming a thick smoothie of berries and ice and a little bit of almond milk. You have to freeze it for a few hours and voila you have your berry ice-cream ready.

3. Smoothie bowl: Smoothie bowl is an easy-to-make, healthy food that is perfect for your sweet cravings. All you have to do is make a thick smoothie of all your favourite fruits, pour it into a bowl, add some roasted oats and nuts. If you find it less sweet add a spoonful of organic honey, and you're done!

4. Dark chocolate: Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate will make you fall in love with this superfood. It is probably the tastiest way to lose weight. Whenever you crave for something sweet, instead of eating a piece of chocolate cake that will have added sugar and all-purpose flour that will go right to your waist. Having said that, dark chocolates over 50 per cent will have some amount of added sugar but, eating a piece or two to satiate your sweet cravings will only help you.

5. Chia seed pudding: Chia seeds are high in Omega-3 fatty acids which is extremely healthy. Make Chia seeds pudding at home by mixing yoghurt, soaked chia seeds and some other healthy seeds like pumpkin seeds, Sesame Seeds etc.

6. Chocolate milk: Chocolate Milk May Be Best Post Workout Drink for Exercise Recovery. Yes! Probably the tastiest post-workout drink, chocolate milk is a healthier way to muscle repair. According to a study, a few reports suggested that the athletes who drank chocolate milk were able to work out for one minute longer.

7. Pancakes: Oats or multigrain pancaked are amazing sweet foods that are also healthy. You might want to use almond milk instead of fatty animal milk and then makes pancakes like you normally would. However, do not add extra sugar or toppings like chocolate, cream etc. Just use a little bit of honey and chopped nuts.

8. Baked whole wheat cookies: Baked whole wheat/oats/ multigrain cookies made at home with honey instead of sugar and nuts are an excellent healthy snack to have.

9. Honey roasted almonds: Almonds roasted in almonds is exactly what you want not to disrupt your weight loss diet. Rich in vitamin E, almonds should be your go-to healthy snack.

10. Homemade macadamia bars: Macadamia nuts are full of nutrients like Vitamin A, iron, protein, riboflavin, niacin, folates and modest amounts of zinc, copper, calcium and other minerals. Make simple homemade bars with macadamia nuts and honey and have it when you feel like eating something sweet.

However, you must remember that these are just healthier options for unhealthy sweet desserts that may make you fat. You must not binge on these snacks and then expect to lose weight. Moderation is the key. Eat these snacks only when you crave for something sweet and are looking for something healthy instead of sugar-laced snacks.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 24, 2018 01:28 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website