A pregnant woman from Madhya Pradesh died after an errant nurse pressed her belly too hard. The woman Pinky was admitted to Isagarh Swasth Kendra for delivery and was being tended to by the nurses in the maternity ward. As per reports, something led one of the nurses, Pratibha Sahu, to press the pregnant woman’s stomach very hard. As a result, the woman’s womb and intestines suffered a prolapse, causing the ejection of the organs out of her body. The nurse then wrapped the woman’s entrails in a newspaper and asked her relatives to take her to another hospital in Ashoknagar where her life can be saved. Video: Pregnant Woman Gets Carried by Relatives for 4 Km in AP to Hospital in the Absence of Roads, Delivers Midway.
Her panic-stricken relatives did as they were told and rushed her to the hospital in Ashok Nagar. But they were turned away from there and referred to another hospital in Bhopal, but the woman succumbed. The angry relatives of the woman returned to the Isagarh medical centre where they created a ruckus. Seeing matters escalating, the chief medical health officer fired the BMO and the errant nurse. Delhi Pregnant Woman Bites Off Husband's Tongue As He Tries to Kiss Her After an Argument.
As per the relatives’ accounts, the woman Pinky was wheeled into the medical centre by her relatives and was tended to by the nurses. They had hoped for a normal delivery, and the nurses were prepping Pinky up for it. Instead, the errant nurse applied too much pressure on her stomach, causing the organs to push out of her vaginal orifice. After the incident, the nurse casually wrapped what looked like pieces of flesh in a newspaper and handed them over to them. She deliberately misled Pinky’s husband Bhupendra and her relatives to send her to a different hospital since her case was too critical for them.
Organ prolapse, particularly that of the uterus, during pregnancy is very rare. But it is seen mostly in Indian settings where untrained personnel are hired to deliver babies. Underlying conditions such as maternal malnutrition can also cause the uterus and other organs to slip out of the bodily orifices.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 29, 2019 01:56 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).