Shyam Lal Yadav, a resident of Rahi Village in Sagar district, Madhya Pradesh was carrying a horn-like mount on his head, for several years now. He could not understand as to what caused the bizarre structure that was growing bigger, with each passing day. Yadav could only recall that the structure on his head started to form on his skin just after he underwent a head injury several years ago. Finding it strange, he began to cut it off by himself, every time it grows. But the mount continued to grow until one day he decided to visit a doctor. It was revealed that Yadav was suffering from a rare disease that caused the devil’s horn to grow in his head. Here are 6 Strange Diseases You’ve never Heard of Before!

Initially reported by India Today, Yadav told that the doctors in his district at first could not understand what caused the structure to grow. He finally visited Sagar’s Bhadyoday Tirth Hospital. The surgeons at the hospital said that Yadav was suffering from a Sebaceous Horn condition which is popularly known as Devil’s horn.

What is Sebaceous Horn?

The US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health states that the mysterious sebaceous horn occurs on the sun-exposed areas of the skin. It can happen on the face, hands or any part of the body which is exposed to the sun rays. The disease consists of a keratin mound with a benign base in most cases and squamous cell carcinoma occurring in about 20 percent of patients.

Doctors have treated the 74-year-old Yadav and removed the horn-like mound through a surgery. After the horn was removed, the surgeons had used the skin of the patient’s forehead to fill the gap. He is recovering, and his rare case would be sent for publishing at the International Journal of Surgery.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 14, 2019 01:10 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website